I built python 2.1 myself. I got the source from python.org and just did
the standard ./configure, make, make install.
It seemed to complie just fine, when I call it at the CLI I get this;
Python 2.1 (#1, Jul 21 2001, 22:07:48)
[GCC 2.95.2 20000220 (Debian GNU/Linux)] on linux2
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Like I said I compiled glib,gtk+,wxGTK, and wxpython all from source, just
like the instructions at wxpython.org
As for the libs I can find these on my system, libz.so.1 , libz.so.1.1.3 ,
libzvt.so.2 , libzvt.so.2.2.10
Python probably didn't build the zlib module because you don't have the zlib
headers installed. Check that you've got the zlib1g-dev debian package
loaded and then rebuild Python.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters? http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!
> I built python 2.1 myself. I got the source from python.org and just did
the standard ./configure, make, make install.
> It seemed to complie just fine, when I call it at the CLI I get this;
> Python 2.1 (#1, Jul 21 2001, 22:07:48)
> [GCC 2.95.2 20000220 (Debian GNU/Linux)] on linux2
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> Like I said I compiled glib,gtk+,wxGTK, and wxpython all from source,
> just
like the instructions at wxpython.org
> As for the libs I can find these on my system, libz.so.1 , libz.so.1.1.3
> ,
libzvt.so.2 , libzvt.so.2.2.10
Python probably didn't build the zlib module because you don't have the
zlib headers installed. Check that you've got the zlib1g-dev debian
package loaded and then rebuild Python.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters? http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!
Hehehehehehhee.................. I like the demo splash screen.
Yeah thats right IT WORKS WOoooooooooooooooo HOooooooooooooooo
Thank you for taking the time to help get wxpython working for me.