[wxPython] simple wxListCtrl questions


    I've some questions about the useage of wxListCtrl class. How can I set the background and text colour of the label? I try to insert StringItems in the wxListCtrl. The vertical scrollbar appears, but the inserted items are "invisible". How can I make it visible?

Here is the section of my application:


buildings = wxListCtrl(panel, 60, wxPoint(30, 10), wxSize(220, 100), style=wxLC_SINGLE_SEL|wxLC_REPORT)
buildings.SetColumnWidth(0, 220)
       build_lab = wxListItem()
build_lab.m_mask = wxLIST_MASK_TEXT
build_lab.m_format = wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT
build_lab.m_text = "Buildings"
buildings.InsertColumnInfo(0, build_lab)

test_list = ["Build_1", "Build_2", "Build_3", "Build_4", "Build_5", "Build_6", "Build_7"]
map((lambda x: buildings.InsertStringItem(alap_list.index(x), x)), test_list)

System: Debian Woody, Python 2.2, wxPython

    Thank you in advance,


See the wiki on list and tree controls Hello World section, note the use of InsertColumn in particular.



Ábrahám Péter wrote:



   I've some questions about the useage of wxListCtrl class. How can I set the background and text colour of the label? I try to insert StringItems in the wxListCtrl. The vertical scrollbar appears, but the inserted items are "invisible". How can I make it visible?

Here is the section of my application:
buildings = wxListCtrl(panel, 60, wxPoint(30, 10), wxSize(220, 100), style=wxLC_SINGLE_SEL|wxLC_REPORT)
buildings.SetColumnWidth(0, 220)
      build_lab = wxListItem()
build_lab.m_mask = wxLIST_MASK_TEXT
build_lab.m_format = wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT
build_lab.m_text = "Buildings"
buildings.InsertColumnInfo(0, build_lab)

test_list = ["Build_1", "Build_2", "Build_3", "Build_4", "Build_5", "Build_6", "Build_7"]
map((lambda x: buildings.InsertStringItem(alap_list.index(x), x)), test_list)


System: Debian Woody, Python 2.2, wxPython

   Thank you in advance,


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   Designer, VR Plumber, Coder