[wxPython] Re: Windows, sizing, and logistics

Yeah, I also think wxWindows widget layout mechanisms
could be much more intuative. When I first started
with GUI programming, I was using Tkinter, on which I
found the pack() and grid() methods of all widgets to
be fairly straight-forward. However, I quickly slammed
my head against Tk's limitations, such as having no
(built-in) equivalent to wxListCtrl or wxTreeCtrl. So
I switched to wxPython, and quickly became
increasingly frustrated trying to get my widgets to
display and behave as I wanted. After countless hours
of reading and searching and experimenting and reading
and reading and experimenting, I finally was able to
make it work.

Anyway, I do very much appreciate the hard work that
the wxWindows and wxPython people have put forth. I'm
making good use of it, but I just think the layout
systems (why do we need so many?) could be more

I haven't used pyGTK yet, but I think I will on my
next project just to get a feel for their way of doing
things, and also to better understand where wxWindows
could be improved. A cross-platform (unix/win/mac),
native look-n-feel, full-featured, coherent,
intuative, and stable GUI toolkit would be a beautiful
thing indeed. If I ever get time inbetween work and
school I'll try to help wx become that.

Mike, I think we should take this discussion to the
wxWin mailing list.


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...layout systems (why do we need so many?)

wxWindows is ten years old, (which is about a million years of "internet
time!" <wink>) Things tend to evolve and mutate and sometimes go extinct
over that length of time...


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!