I’m building wxPython for a Blender project here: https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?404099-DJ-turntable-platter-physics-simulation-Link-sound-pitch-to-platter-rotation-speed
I installed a full system Python 3.5.1 on my Windows machine to replace the one bundled with Blender. This works and installs the pre-built wxPython Phoenix OK. However I usually work on my Linux machine (if I can’t get this working there I will just have to use the Windows machine!).
Blender Python can be coaxed into using “pip” and so forth but its problematic. So I eventually got “pyenv” setup ( https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv ) …
> curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yyuu/pyenv-installer/master/bin/pyenv-installer | bash
> (add additions suggested by install script:) vim .bash_profile
> vim .bash_profile
> (show all commands:) pyenv
> (python version for Blender 2.77:) pyenv install 3.5.1
> (set globally:) pyenc global 3.5.1
> Remove or rename "python" directory in Blender folder.
> ln -s /home/michaelzfreeman/.pyenv/versions/3.5.1 python
> pyenv rehash
> (Should show pyenv installed python version:) python
Blender loads up and OK and the game engine is fully functional importing various python modules.
I install wxPython Phoenix using:
pip install -v -U -f https://wxpython.org/Phoenix/snapshot-builds/ wxPython_Phoenix 2>&1 | tee pip_wxpython-phoenix_install_output.txt
which gives build errors: http://files.djbarney.org/pip_wxpython-phoenix_install_output.txt
(BTW same “pip” command with “–pre” downloads same archive).
I tried installing python module “pyext” but there’s no difference.
So I don’t understand what is going wrong here, any ideas ? The “pyenv” should provide everything and python3.5-dev & libpython3.5-dev are at latest version. Also …
$ pyenv which python-config --> /home/michaelzfreeman/.pyenv/versions/3.5.1/bin/python-config