[wxPython] optimizing layout of many widgets

Mike thanks for your example. You don't happen to have made ScrollView.count
dynamic before? (ie. Change its value by resizing the panel?)




-----Original Message-----
From: Mike C. Fletcher [mailto:mcfletch@rogers.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 8:30 PM
To: wxpython-users@lists.wxwindows.org; Robin Dunn
Subject: Re: [wxPython] optimizing layout of many widgets

Here's a simplified example (I only use a single control per editing
item, and I don't bother updating the data values after editing (since
you know how to do that), neither do I bother with catching tab on the
last and first editing controls to do forward/back tabbing, or even
pgup/pgdown or arrows). You'll note I use the wxScrollBar control, not
a scrolled panel.

Robin: There is inconsistent capitalisation in wxScrollBar versus
wxScrollBar::SetScrollbar, not sure to whom that should go as a bug
report, or if it's even a problem.


from wxPython.wx import *

class ScrollView( wxPanel ):
     currentTopView = 0
     count = 20
     def __init__( self, parent, data = () ):
         wxPanel.__init__( self, parent, -1 )
         self.data = data

         outer = wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL )
         inner = wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL )
         self.controls = []
         for x in range( self.count ):
             ID = wxNewId()
             # use your real editors here
             control = wxTextCtrl( self, ID, "" )
             self.controls.append( control )
             inner.Add( control, 0, wxEXPAND )
         outer.Add( inner, 1, wxEXPAND )
         ID = wxNewId()
         self.scroll = wxScrollBar( self, ID, style = wxSB_VERTICAL )
         self.scroll.SetScrollbar( 0, self.count, len(self.data),
self.count )
         outer.Add( self.scroll, 0, wxEXPAND )
         EVT_COMMAND_SCROLL( self, self.scroll.GetId(), self.OnScroll )
         self.Display( 0 )
     def Display( self, start):
         """Update the items to show the virtual space"""
         if start + self.count >= len( self.data ):
             start = len(self.data)-self.count
         for index in range( self.count ):
                 self.controls[index].SetValue( self.data[start + index] )
             except IndexError:
                 # not enought data to fill even one sheet
     def OnScroll( self, event ):
         position = event.GetPosition()
         print 'OnScroll', position
         self.Display( position )

if __name__ == "__main__":
     class TestApplication (wxPySimpleApp):
         def OnInit(self):
             frame =wxFrame (NULL, -1, "test", size = (300,500))
             ScrollView( frame, data = map( str, range(2000)) )
             frame.Show (1)
             return 1
     app = TestApplication ()

Harrison, Matthew wrote:

Thanks for the advice Mike

is the m/v approach using a wxScrolledWindow? Is there a good
example of this somewhere that is using the OnDisplay and
OnScroll events? The demo/docs don't seem to help out here.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mike C. Fletcher [mailto:mcfletch@rogers.com

Model:View Approach:

create X widgets where X is the number of widgets on a single screen
OnDisplay: update each widget with the data from
OnScroll: calculate shown area, OnDisplay( start, stop)
OnTab: ditto


wxpython-users mailing list

I've never used the ScrollView myself, just created it as a demo for you. As for doing the resizing, you'd just alter the number of widgets (adding new widgets to a sizer has been discussed in the last few days I think). You'd either destroy or hide extras when the size shrinks.

Afraid I don't have time to expand on that tonight, hope it's enough,

Harrison, Matthew wrote:

Mike thanks for your example. You don't happen to have made ScrollView.count
dynamic before? (ie. Change its value by resizing the panel?)


