Hi im running wxpython on win32, and i have a question.
Is there any control for iconize a program, so it goes to the tray like icq
etc., instead of the toolbar. If there isn't, will there be one implended in
the future? Is there any possible way that i can solve my problem? MFC? I
have no clue, so I hope that you can help me
* Thomas Jacobsen <thomas.jacobsen@sveg.se.sykes.com> [2002-05-16 21:23 +0200]:
Hi im running wxpython on win32, and i have a question. Is there any control
for iconize a program, so it goes to the tray like icq etc., instead of the
toolbar. [...]
Have you ever minimized the wxPython demo application?
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reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b')))