[wxPython] Experimenting...

I think properties don´t clear anything.
You can confuse a property with a member.
For me is very clear that
windows.size = (200,200) must be just a member value change and nothing
windows.SetSize((200,200)) apart from change a lot of members will produce
a visual effects.
When I read code, if I search for an action I search for a method.
Just an opinion

- C r i s t i a n E c h e v e r r i a -


> Robin Dunn wrote:
> >
> > I've been experimenting with adding properties to wxPython.
> > (Properties are attributes that magically turn into Get or Set
> > method calls.) They let you do things like
> >
> > print window.size
> > window.size = (300,200)
> >
> > instead of
> >
> > print window.GetSize()
> > window.SetSize( (300,200) )