WxPython can handle Component resizing in the background or do I have to code it?


I am new to wxPython & I am making my own application that has many
listboxes & static text's etc. on my GUI. And whenever the main
frame(window) is resized I go through ALL my components(listbox,
staticTexts etc.) & resize & reposition them in relation to the new
window size.

I just want to know if this is necessary, or can wxPython do all this
for me? Meaning, is there a layout in wxPython that will rearrange &
resize my components whenever the window is resized? Is there anything
like Java's Swing GUI where all the component resizing is handled in
the background & I dont have to worry about it?

Sascha wrote:

Is there anything
like Java's Swing GUI where all the component resizing is handled in
the background & I dont have to worry about it?

Yes, they are called "Sizers".

google "wxPython sizers" and you'll get lots of hits. Also look in the Wiki:


There are a number of pages on Sizers. Here's a good place to start:




Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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