I am an amateur (but serious) developer/programmer working mostly
alone. I've learned a lot from following this mailing list, but the
closer I get to working on a real application, the more I am
confronted with general questions of design/development philosophy.
Originally I had planned to write the core of my application in
pure Python with little or no dependency on the GUI toolset. During
a brief moment of insanity, in fact, I had even thought I might try
to create two or more user interfaces using different toolsets. I'm
safely beyond that now.
Anyway, my first thought was to use a variant of MVC architecture,
where the Model components would be pure Python and the
View/Control objects would be wxPython objects that know how to
set/get contents of the Model objects. Then I read Allan Hollub's
scathing criticism of MVC (especially set/get methods) and his
prescription for a version of the PAC architecture called
"Visual-Proxy." This would mean that each pure Python Abstraction
object would create a wxPython visual proxy for the Presentation
layer, all of which would be Controlled by a wxPython application
So I started looking at the whole wxPython-wxWindows application
framework, and the distinction between Python and wxPython began to
blur. Is it truly feasible, for example, to keep one's Python code
separate from the wxPython GUI code? And on a related note, when
(and why) should one use wxTime and wxDate as opposed to the Python
built-in time module? What about the wxString class vs Python
strings and so on? Also, one of the documented roles of the
wxValidator class is "to transfer data from a C++ variable or own
storage to and from a control." Can a wxPyValidator perform the
same role for Python objects?
Finally should I simply be thinking of wxPython as my application
development framework without regard to "pure Python" abstraction
components? I know these are rather vague questions, but any
insight from those of you who do this kind of thing every day would
be much appreciated. Thanks.
Donnal Walter
Arkansas Children's Hospital
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