wxGrid crashes when updated too fast.

I would very much appreciate your help regarding the following issue.

I'm building an application that among other things displays live prices for
a number of financial instruments in a Grid.
I noticed that the application crashes when the price changes are frequent (
I call SetCellValue(...) repeatedly with
a small very small interval in between). I wrote a small program that
reproduces the behavior which I'm ataching below.
This is my first wxPython program, so I'm thinking I might be diong something

I'm using Python 2.3, wxPython running on Windows (NT4.0 and XP


import wx, threading, Queue, wx.grid as gridlib, time

# how fast the producer thread enques items
# how often the GUI checks the queue for new items to be displayed.
# how many cols for the grid.


# used to pass items from the producer thread to the GUI.
queue = Queue.Queue()

def data_source():
    Runs in a separate thread than the GUI.
    Produces items and places them in the queue to be displayed by the GUI.

    # the two items we're producing over and over again.
    item1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
    item2 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']

    flag = True
    while True:
        if flag: queue.put(item1)
        else: queue.put(item2)
        flag = not flag


class FrameWithGrid(wx.MDIChildFrame):
    " MDI Child frame containing a Grid. This is where the data is actaully

    def __init__(self, parent, id, title):

        wx.MDIChildFrame.__init__(self, parent, id, title)
        self.panel = wx.Panel(self, -1)

        # create the grid.
        self.grid = gridlib.Grid(self.panel, -1)
        self.grid.CreateGrid(1, NUM_COLS, 0)

        # formatting stuff.
        for col in range(NUM_COLS): self.grid.SetColSize(col, 70)
        self.grid.SetSize((700, 75))
        self.SetSize((710, 100))


class GuiPart(wx.MDIParentFrame):
    " This is the main frame of the application."

    def __init__(self, title):
        wx.MDIParentFrame.__init__(self, None, -1, title, size=(750, 300))
        self.child_frame = FrameWithGrid(self, -1, "MyGrid")

        # schedule looking for items in the queue.

    def check_queue(self):
        " Display items found in queue"

        count = 1
        while count < MAX_NUM_PROCESSED:
                item = queue.get(0)
                for col in range(10):
                    self.child_frame.grid.SetCellValue(0, col, str(item[col]))
            except Queue.Empty:
            count += 1

        # re-schedule iteself.

    def schedule_check(self):
        " Schedule checking the queue."
        t = threading.Timer(DT_CONSUMER, self.check_queue)

class App(wx.App):
    def OnInit(self):
        gui = GuiPart("MyFrame")
        return True
app = App(0)
thread = threading.Thread(target = data_source)

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Ciordas, Calin wrote:

I would very much appreciate your help regarding the following issue.

I'm building an application that among other things displays live prices for
a number of financial instruments in a Grid.
I noticed that the application crashes when the price changes are frequent (
I call SetCellValue(...) repeatedly with
a small very small interval in between). I wrote a small program that
reproduces the behavior which I'm ataching below. This is my first wxPython program, so I'm thinking I might be diong something

I'm using Python 2.3, wxPython running on Windows (NT4.0 and XP

Don't call SetCellValue from the thread. Instead you can use wx.CallAfter to schedule the function call to happen in the main GUI thread.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!