I'm using wxPython with GTK 2.4 with Python
2.4 on Redhat 8.
I suspected that the missing icons could be the
problem but I was hoping it wasn't.
--- Robin Dunn <> wrote:
Nigel W. Moriarty wrote:
> Folks
> When I open a FileDialog with the attached code I
> a dialog that looks like the attached jpg file.Which version are you using? I've never seen the
file dialog look like
that.> It
> has no place to type the name of the file.
> Incidently, I get the error messages from GTK at
> end of this message. Could they be causing htis
> problem?It sounds to me like the current gtk theme that you
are using does not
have an icon that is expected to be there. Perhaps
the dialog is
falling-back to the layout you show in the
screen-shot when it can't
find the icons it needs...--
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax
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