wx.HeaderCtrl with filters

Dear all, dear Mr. Dunn,

the documentation of the HeaderCtrl class says:

Some features are supported by the native MSW control and so could be easily implemented in this version of wx.HeaderCtrl but need to be implemented in the generic version as well to be really useful. Please let us know if you need or, better, plan to work on implementing, any of them:

  • Displaying bitmaps instead of or together with the text
  • Custom drawn headers
  • Filters associated with a column.

Is there anything to know about these features? I can’t really provide anything else than moral support, but I’d very much appreciate if filters were available sometime in the future.

My use case is a panel in an auiwindow that has currently a ListCtrl showing log entries of multiple levels and multiple sources. Filtering by log level and emitter would be a great addition to the current solution.

Best Regards,


Hi Jakab,

wxPython is mainly a Python binding for wxWidgets, the underlying library. Those features would need to be implemented in wxWidgets. See the wxWidgets documentation here where that same message exists:

You probably should ask your question instead on the wxWidgets mailing list. :slight_smile:



On Sat, 11 May 2019, Jakab Gábor wrote:

Dear all, dear Mr. Dunn,
the documentation of the HeaderCtrl class says:

      Some features are supported by the native MSW control and so
      could be easily implemented in this version of wx.HeaderCtrl but
      need to be implemented in the generic version as well to be
      really useful. Please let us know if you need or, better, plan
      to work on implementing, any of them:
       o Displaying bitmaps instead of or together with the text
       o Custom drawn headers
       o Filters associated with a column.

Is there anything to know about these features? I can't really provide
anything else than moral support, but I'd very much appreciate if filters
were available sometime in the future.
My use case is a panel in an auiwindow that has currently a ListCtrl showing
log entries of multiple levels and multiple sources. Filtering by log level
and emitter would be a great addition to the current solution.

Hello Scott,

That much is clear. I never checked the wxWidgets documentation as that of wxPython is extensive and super usable.

Will have to wait and/or find anothother solution then.



On Sunday, May 12, 2019 at 2:45:36 AM UTC+2, Scott Talbert wrote:

On Sat, 11 May 2019, Jakab Gábor wrote:

Dear all, dear Mr. Dunn,

the documentation of the HeaderCtrl class says:

  Some features are supported by the native MSW control and so
  could be easily implemented in this version of wx.HeaderCtrl but
  need to be implemented in the generic version as well to be
  really useful. Please let us know if you need or, better, plan
  to work on implementing, any of them:
   o  Displaying bitmaps instead of or together with the text
   o  Custom drawn headers
   o  Filters associated with a column.

Is there anything to know about these features? I can’t really provide

anything else than moral support, but I’d very much appreciate if filters

were available sometime in the future.

My use case is a panel in an auiwindow that has currently a ListCtrl showing

log entries of multiple levels and multiple sources. Filtering by log level

and emitter would be a great addition to the current solution.

Hi Jakab,

wxPython is mainly a Python binding for wxWidgets, the underlying library.
Those features would need to be implemented in wxWidgets. See the
wxWidgets documentation here where that same message exists:


You probably should ask your question instead on the wxWidgets mailing
list. :slight_smile:
