I am using wx.aui for the first time and not much familiar with it. I followed the example in demo and created a simple interface. I need to know about couple of things properties of a pane:
Here is the script
self.panel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY)
self._mgr.AddPane(self.panel, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().
Name("attribEditor").Caption("Attribute Editor").
self._mgr.GetPane("attribEditor").MinSize((380, -1))
When I make my pane visible,
- pane is not floatable although I have used the flag.
- pinbutton is visible on the pane but nothing happens when you press it.
- Is it possible to slide a pane. For example right pane is not visible but when you move your cursor to far right, it slides in or something like that. I think pinbutton do the same but very fast. I have seen it in GUI2EXE.