Windows build problems

Has anyone tried the steps I described and either reproduced the problem or successfully built wxPython?

- Jamie


From: "Jamie Redmond" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 7:20 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [wxpython-dev] Windows build problems

I'll try compiling 2.8.8 manually to see if I can reproduce this, but if 2.8.8 works, it's unlikely I'll be able to use is.

I get the same problem with 2.8.8.

I just downloaded the 2.8.8 source distribution, unpacked it, and followed the directions in BUILD.txt (for Windows) exactly (I don't use your scripts, I use the manual instructions and the nmake command I used was exactly what you pasted into your last email). I want to get things working in a clean source distribution following the build instructions exactly so that I can eliminate that possibility of errors when I do this on my code and my (slightly custom) version of wxWidgets.

- Jamie