So, we have a few files that are derived from .wdr files --, etc. Is there any good reason for this? Will the files be
updated by someone that uses wxDesigner? Or was using wdr files maybe not a
great idea in retrospect?
I can probably convert to pure python given a little time. What is the will
of the ringbearer? Er, I mean whatdya wanna do, Robin?
So, we have a few files that are derived from .wdr files --, etc. Is there any good reason for this? Will the files be
updated by someone that uses wxDesigner? Or was using wdr files maybe not a
great idea in retrospect?
I can probably convert to pure python given a little time. What is the will
of the ringbearer? Er, I mean whatdya wanna do, Robin?
I've already done a bit of by hand tweaking of the files for true --> True and etc., so feel free to do more if needed. OTOH, since it is generated code I don't mind if they don't have the wx namespace conversion done to them.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!
I've already done a bit of by hand tweaking of the files for
true --> True and etc., so feel free to do more if needed. OTOH, since
it is generated code I don't mind if they don't have the wx namespace
conversion done to them.
If we hand-tweak them, is there any need to include the actual .wdr files in
the demo? If not, that would save a few pennies' worth of filesize
Maybe the best approach is to just bite the bullet and convert then by hand.
My big problem with generated files is that they usually don't have adequate
comments to explain what is going on, which is kinda useful in a demo.
That's not a big thing for the 2.5 release, though, I think, but something I
can put on my to-do list for the future.