unreliable notebook page changing events

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I am attaching the relevant code snippet handling the
notebook events. Maybe I am just to stupid to handle them


tmp.py (5.79 KB)


On Sun, Jun 18, 2006 at 01:22:59PM -0700, Robin Dunn wrote:

>I have a panel with a notebook child. The panel listens to
>Inside EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING I check whether the new
>page can be activated or not. If it cannot be activated the
>event is vetoed. The sequence is as follows:
>- user clicks notebook tab
>- that tab is checked for raise-ability in the
>- the event is vetoed
>- the context is changed such that the page now *can* be
> raised
>- clicking on the same tab *again* after changing
> the context still does not allow the tab to be raised
>- in fact, the tab does not even receive *any* event
>- clicking *another* tab, then coming back *does* allow the
> tab to be raised with the proper events happening *without*
> a change in context ...

Which platform and version?

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