SVN:(OLS)[69983] CHG: updated to latest PyPubSub SVN (basically v3.1. 2 with couple (

Oliver, is it intended for the examples folder to be included in the pubsub package when installing? If so then it should have files added. If not then it should be moved up to the parent folder, and I can link it from there into the wxPython samples dir.


On 12/11/11 8:00 AM, wrote:

    69983 <wxTrac has been migrated to GitHub Issues - wxWidgets;
    2011-12-11 08:00:47 -0800 (Sun, 11 Dec 2011)

      Log Message

CHG: updated to latest PyPubSub SVN (basically v3.1.2 with couple
( ADD: examples folder from PyPubSub ADD:
license and readme and RELEASE_NOTES.txt from PyPubSub

      Added Paths

  * wxPython/3rdParty/PubSub/pubsub/examples/

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman