SVG (1.2) support?

CSS, that can get rather complicated: Is there a CSS parser

for Python yet?

Yep, we've got a CSS 2.1 parser & engine in the Techgame Framework
(TG.w3c.css). We use it with our skinning framework for wx -- think
XRC + CSS + Python code for the presentation layer.

Sounds like I really should use your lib.
I just installed it, we'll see...
Another framework - I'm still struggling with
twisted and had no time to really get into wx yet...

we could find time to spend documenting it...

Um, no docs for me dumb newbie? <whine>

Ah. Unfortunately, I wrote the CSS engine quite a bit after the SVG
parser, so it doesn't know about the CSS engine. This can be changed
though, and we need to do that anyway.


As for the SVG subset
interpreter, you should have a good start with RBRapier's
implementation. We needed to display SVGs converted from AutoCAD, and
implemented only what was required to accomplish that.

I also only need a small subset.

The other wx projects that I found were/seemed dead,
except TechGame/RuneBlade (see Shanes post).

Nope. Still alive here! :wink:

That's what I meant: All are dead except yours.
Is my english wrong?

We will certainly work to integrate SVG enhancement patches back into
the project. TechGame also provides consulting services to extend the
capabilities of the SVG libraries where you need to go.

I'll try to convince my boss(es) that we should pay you to do the job! :wink:
But at the moment I don't really know what we need exactly.
And so far I'm only playing around and see what would be possible.

Best regards,
Henning Hraban Ramm
Südkurier Medienhaus / MediaPro
Support/Admin/Development Dept.