I have been building an interface based on GLGanvas in wxpython with
python 2.5. I have a GLCanvas over which I add some 2D annotations
using PaintDC in the wx.EVT_PAINT handler. It works fine in Windows
XP, the OpenGL canvas rendered with the paintDC canvas over it.
However, in Mac OS 10.5 I can only see the OpenGL canvas on the
screen, as if it was put over the PaintDC canvas. Anybody has an idea
how to solve this issue? I am wondering if there is actually something
that can be tweak for it to work, or it is an incompatibility of Mac
I have been building an interface based on GLGanvas in wxpython with
python 2.5. I have a GLCanvas over which I add some 2D annotations
using PaintDC in the wx.EVT_PAINT handler. It works fine in Windows
XP, the OpenGL canvas rendered with the paintDC canvas over it.
However, in Mac OS 10.5 I can only see the OpenGL canvas on the
screen, as if it was put over the PaintDC canvas. Anybody has an idea
how to solve this issue? I am wondering if there is actually something
that can be tweak for it to work, or it is an incompatibility of Mac
Well, I now OS-X does take more control of rendering than Windows or GTK do -- it's a bit out of your hands. I'd try the PyOpenGL list, but this may be a "don't' do that" situation.
But I'd probably just render to a bitmap and put that in GL as a texture.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
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