@Ron: sorry I should clean up better,
@Chris: thank a lot for your hints. I am going to try some next week.
In general, the code is fast enough in its init, but too slow on
That is on my slow netbook, on my desktops is already fast.
Both the calculations of the exact number of rows as the reversed
pixels on the end of each row should go into the Init, so when
updating the gauge I only need to add leftpartrows + middlepartrows*x
* rightpartrows.
However when I did succeed in doing that yet (the gauge start looking
like it is appending in stead of growing, like I create a double
reference to colRows).
0) there should be no need to paths-- though I don't think those are used.
True: totally obsolute, forgot to delete
1) don't use PIL -- you don't want the dependency, and it isn't
necessary. You can create a wx.Image from raw binary data, and maybe
even a bitmap directly.
When possible I want to increase the speed first, then remove PIL
2) store your image as binary data in a string or maybe an array.array
-- nested lists of integers is going to be pokey. numpy arrays would be
even better, but it's probably better not to introduce the dependency
Sounds very good, will try.
3) I'd calculate ht pixel values with some math, rather than hard-coding
them. Simple linear gradients are pretty easy.
I am afraid that it is not a simple linear gradients. E.g. at the
vert. borders the colors go from light, dark to light ---> gradient
The toprows are different than the bottomrows. The corners are
different too.
I want the gauge to look like the original. It does now. The
background is 99% correct and the foreground correct till around the
17th pixel on each row. I do with less data though. But calculating
it, rather than hardcoding it was bringing down the speed, so instead
of the first 5 pixels now I hardcode all the relevant ones.
4) Avoid explicit IDS -- see:wxPython Style Guide - wxPyWiki
5) you seem to have two copies of the buffer: self.PI and self._Buffer
-- you only need one. In fact, you may not even need to double buffer --
if the image changes a lot, and is fast to draw, there is no reason to.
True, thanks.
6) I'm having trouble following the code to see where you actually do
the drawing, but make sure that you aren't doing a lot of image
reg-generation each time. The draw should be pretty simple -- you may be
able to get away with a wx.Image.Rescale to stretch the bar to the size
you want.
Since I want to get as close to the original as I can, I am afraid not
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
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