Christopher Barker wrote:
What I've done as a work-around is put the controls I want in the tab-order on a separate panel (my layout accommodated this well, this time. Then I found that when I tabbed out of the last control on that panel, focus went to he first control on the parent Panel, which didn't have the TAB_TRAVERSAL flag, so it stopped there. I fixed that by catching EVT_FOCUS, and shifting focus to the first control on the Panel (do I need to post code, or did that make sense?).
I've found that if you use the mouse to copy and past from the Controls, it does work, and focus shifts to the first control on the panel, at least on GTK2, I haven't tested it elsewhere yet.
I've tested now, and no, it doesn't work on win32. If I catch EVT_FOCUS in a text control, and shift it elsewhere, i can't copy and past from it. Darn.
So is it possible to do what I want?:
Have a read-only text control that is NOT in the Tab order, but can be copied from with the mouse?
Do have I have to implement tab traversal myself with WANTS_CHARS, etc?
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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