Hello, Use case
We have a search dialog containing a wx.ListCtrl and some buttons. We would like to be able to scroll though the list using the arrow/pgup/pgdn keys from anywhere in the dialog, also when the wx.ListCtrl does not have focus.
I’m able to catch global keyboard events in the dialog using an wx.AccelleratorTable. However, i’m not sure how to send this key event to the wx.ListCtrl. I could call the list myself, for example using wx.ListCtrl.GetNextItem(), but it doesn’t seem possible use this for pgup/pgdn.
This doesn’t work. My guess is that this does not simulate an actual keypress but just sends the event like it would be sent after a real keypress. If i manually bind wx.EVT_CHAR in the wx.ListCtrl i do see these events being processed.
Another attempt was using wx.UIActionSimulator. I don’t really understand how i should be using this for my use case because there doesn’t seem to be a way to send a simulated action towards a certain widget. So simulating another pgdn event would just be processed the by my accelerator table and not the wx.ListCtrl.
I’m using wxPython win32 with Python 2.7. Solutions using newer versions are fine too.
I’m looking forward to your solutions. I hope i’m missing something obvious here
Many thanks,
digitale bijlage
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You should be able to do that with the wx.UIActionSimulator, although it works better on some platforms than others so you may need to do some experimentation to find the right combination of things that works for your use case.
On Monday, November 26, 2018 at 4:07:19 PM UTC-8, Jasper Alexion wrote:
Hello, Use case
We have a search dialog containing a wx.ListCtrl and some buttons. We would like to be able to scroll though the list using the arrow/pgup/pgdn keys from anywhere in the dialog, also when the wx.ListCtrl does not have focus.
I’m able to catch global keyboard events in the dialog using an wx.AccelleratorTable. However, i’m not sure how to send this key event to the wx.ListCtrl. I could call the list myself, for example using wx.ListCtrl.GetNextItem(), but it doesn’t seem possible use this for pgup/pgdn.
This doesn’t work. My guess is that this does not simulate an actual keypress but just sends the event like it would be sent after a real keypress. If i manually bind wx.EVT_CHAR in the wx.ListCtrl i do see these events being processed.
Another attempt was using wx.UIActionSimulator. I don’t really understand how i should be using this for my use case because there doesn’t seem to be a way to send a simulated action towards a certain widget. So simulating another pgdn event would just be processed the by my accelerator table and not the wx.ListCtrl.
I’m using wxPython win32 with Python 2.7. Solutions using newer versions are fine too.
I’m looking forward to your solutions. I hope i’m missing something obvious here
Many thanks,
digitale bijlage
De informatie verzonden met dit E-mail bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Gebruik van deze informatie door anderen dan de geadresseerde is niet toegestaan, evenals openbaarmaking, vermenigvuldiging en/of verstrekking aan derden. Alexion Software is niet aansprakelijk voor de juiste en volledige overbrenging van de inhoud van verzonden e-mail berichten, noch voor een tijdige ontvangst daarvan. De aan u verzonden digitale informatie mag uitsluitend gebruikt worden voor het desbetreffende project. De aan u verzonden digitale informatie wordt zonder enige verantwoordelijkheid onzerzijds verstrekt. Aan de door u digitaal ontvangen informatie kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend ten opzichte van Alexion Software. Het is raadzaam om de ontvangen bestanden voor het gebruik te controleren op eventuele aanwezigheid van virussen. Verlies van gegevens door het niet maken van back-ups is niet voor verantwoordelijkheid van Alexion Software.
Op al onze offertes en facturen zijn van toepassing Algemene Voorwaarden zoals gedeponeerd bij de KvK Midden-Nederland onder nummer 30174840 van ICT~Office. Deze zullen wij u op uw eerste verzoek kosteloos toesturen. Een kopie van deze algemene voorwaarden vindt u op alexion.nl/algemene-voorwaarden