Most of you probably speaks Latin language, so you wont understand the problem.
when I try to write Hebrew in my statictext the last punctuation marks get mixed up.
wxPython version?
OS (and version)?
What Locale do you have set?
A snippet of code that reproduces the problem? (You probably want to convert your text to \x or \u strings and not use UTF8 (or other high bit Python source) — even though it’s legal you have have problems transmitting it via email and people being able to reconstruct it). You’d probably need a picture of the problem and a description of what is wrong.
Most of you probably speaks Latin language, so you wont understand the problem.
when I try to write Hebrew in my statictext the last punctuation marks get mixed up.
Most of you probably speaks Latin language, so you wont understand the problem.
when I try to write Hebrew in my statictext the last punctuation marks get mixed up.
does someone have a solution for this?
I've never used it myself so I'm not sure exactly how well it works, but wx does have support for RTL layouts. You should just need to call SetLayoutDirection on the window, (probably the parent window is enough) and if you do any custom drawing there is a SetLayoutDirection method for wx.DC as well.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!
I’ve never used it myself so I’m not sure exactly how well it works, but wx does have support for RTL layouts. You should just need to call SetLayoutDirection on the window, (probably the parent window is enough) and if you do any custom drawing there is a SetLayoutDirection method for wx.DC as well.
I’ve never used it myself so I’m not sure exactly how well it works, but wx does have support for RTL layouts. You should just need to call SetLayoutDirection on the window, (probably the parent window is enough) and if you do any custom drawing there is a SetLayoutDirection method for wx.DC as well.