RichTextAttr vs. TextAttrEx


I am trying to retrieve the character style of a piece of RichText. I have a RichTextCtrl object ‘rtc’ and use the following code:

import wx.richtext as rc

    oldStyle = rc.RichTextAttr()
    self.rtc.GetStyle(position = 0, style = oldStyle)
    print oldStyle.GetFontFaceName()

I get the following eroor:

AttributeError: ‘TextAttrEx’ object has no attribute ‘GetFontFaceName’

For some reason oldStyle is an TextAttrEx object instead of RichTextAttr. Does anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong here?

Thanks for your help.



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Frans Stronkman wrote:

I am trying to retrieve the character style of a piece of RichText. I have a RichTextCtrl object 'rtc' and use the following code:
import wx.richtext as rc

        oldStyle = rc.RichTextAttr()
        self.rtc.GetStyle(position = 0, style = oldStyle)
        print oldStyle.GetFontFaceName()

I get the following eroor:
AttributeError: 'TextAttrEx' object has no attribute 'GetFontFaceName'
For some reason oldStyle is an TextAttrEx object instead of RichTextAttr. Does anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong here?

RichTextAttr is just a compatibility alias for TextAttrEx. Everything in the python wrappers for RichTextCtrl switched to using just TextAttrEx a couple releases ago. (The C++ code has overloads for both of them for most functions, I just chose to support one for the wrappers to save a bunch of hassle.)

Try style.GetFont().GetFaceName() instead.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

Hi Robin,

Thanks. Got it.



Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 20:08:27 -0800
Subject: Re: [wxpython-users] RichTextAttr vs. TextAttrEx

Frans Stronkman wrote:


I am trying to retrieve the character style of a piece of RichText. I
have a RichTextCtrl object ‘rtc’ and use the following code:

import wx.richtext as rc

oldStyle = rc.RichTextAttr()
self.rtc.GetStyle(position = 0, style = oldStyle)
print oldStyle.GetFontFaceName()

I get the following eroor:

AttributeError: ‘TextAttrEx’ object has no attribute ‘GetFontFaceName’

For some reason oldStyle is an TextAttrEx object instead
of RichTextAttr. Does anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong here?

RichTextAttr is just a compatibility alias for TextAttrEx. Everything
in the python wrappers for RichTextCtrl switched to using just
TextAttrEx a couple releases ago. (The C++ code has overloads for both
of them for most functions, I just chose to support one for the wrappers
to save a bunch of hassle.)

Try style.GetFont().GetFaceName() instead.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

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