Paul McNett wrote:
> Chris Barker wrote:
> > By the way, how are you generating the pdf? Reportlab? or roll your > own?
> Reportlab.
Hi all,
I run ReportLab and have just been alerted to this thread by
Andreas Kaiser on our own list. We (in-house) and several of our
users have been on the lookout for a way to build a document-design tool
for some time. We have only played with wxPython, but we all prefer it
to the other Python GUI toolkits so far. So, I'd be very keen to explore possibilities for a design tool, and some of our user group
have expressed an interest on working with it.
Some wiki-space sounds good to record and organize ideas.
What we're looking for is not necessarily a classic horizontal-bands
database reporting tool, but rather a 'drawing program' into which
it's easy to plug new objects, and inspect their properties in a side
panel - a lot like a VB or Delphi or Boa-like IDE, but with a 'visual
view' or three for what you are designing. I think
we could easily adapt such a tool to output the objects in a reportlab
model, and render to PDF; or, perhaps, save an intermediate XML representation so others could make HTML or Word or whatever from it. And it would be easy to make anything a 'data placeholder' so you can run in a loop over any object model.
I have read about OGL but never used it. Is it a good basis for
this kind of thing? Are there other good starting points?
Also, I'm looking actively at code to render PDF. XPDF have a great
PDF OCX viewer component which they sell on Windows but I believe is
GPL-based. And Sketch (now Skencil) has all the code to import EPS
and other formats to get graphics in. Tracing over the top of existing PDFs is a great way to save time in design.
Please be patient while I learn my way around wxPython
Best Regards,
Andy Robinson
CEO/Chief Architect
ReportLab Europe Ltd.
Subject: Re: [wxPython-users] reporting framework for wx
From: Paul McNett
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 16:04:02 -0800