Release questions

I'm actually still using the C++ OGL module. The pure Python OGL is not backward compatible with C++ OGL. My program doesn't run at all with the Python-only OGL. This program has been on the back-burner for a long time, so I haven't gotten around to porting the OGL code.

I can understand you wanting to remove C++ OGL. If you do so, I'll just stay at until I port the OGL code in my app.



-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Dunn []
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 5:20 PM
Subject: [wxPython-dev] Release questions


As I'm working on getting things ready to release I have a few questions
that I'd like to get some feedback on.

1. Now that we have the generic Python version of OGL and it seems to
have had the bugs worked out are we ready to drop the C++ version from
the wxPython build? It would drop about 1.5M of installed files and a
few minutes from the build time for each of the dozen or so builds.

2. There are a huge number of RPMs produced, and I would still like to
add another build platform or two eventually. So I'm thinking that
perhaps it makes sense to drop one of the flavors that are built, but
which one? gtk-ansi? gtk2-ansi? Both of them? The RPM spec file
would still be able to build any of them so folks that really need a
different flavor can still build it themselves.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

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