Mohammed Rashad wrote:
I would like to make a python gui toolkit based on FOX C++ Gui
yup -- pretty OT, but...
I had some basic knowledge in swig based on tutorials given
in the homepage. But my knowledge is not enough to make swig
files for a whole GUI toolkit.
you're taking on a pretty major task! You may want to consider other tools, too. For instance, Cython is really nice, and getting much better for C++ work. Are there really no Python bindings for Fox yet? What about FxPy:
So anyone please give me some links on making swig interface for
Is there any good books for the making of swig interface. Treat me as
a newbie to swig.
I don't think there is a book, SWIG is under-documented, I'm afraid.
Is there any users who develop swig interface for python gui based on c
++ gui toolkit like wxpython,pyQt etc.
wxPython is built with SWIG, so it is a great example of wrapping a large and complex library.
pyQT is built with SIP, which was built just for that -- it may be worth taking a look at too.
Robin, I'd be interested in hearing your opinion -- if you were starting from scratch, would you use SWIG at this point?
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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