[Py2exe-users] lib.iewin hangs py2exe

You are right Matthias, I had it in my code but from some freak reason forgot to insert it to the instructions. Thank you.

Here is the full version:



Nitro <nitro@dr-code.org> wrote:

The patch below basically works, but it is missing these two bits:

I added a "skip_scan" option to py2exe, which is a list of modules names (like: includes, excludes)

Changes in the code:

  After line 161 in py2exe, insert:
  ("skip-scan=", None,
   "comma-separated list of modules not to scan for imported modules"),
  After line 198 in py2exe.initialize_options insert:
  self.skip_scan = None
  After line 214 in py2exe.finalize_options
  self.skip_scan = fancy_split(self.skip_scan)

  Change line 342 in py2exe.create_modulefinder to:
  return ModuleFinder(excludes=self.excludes, skip_scan=self.skip_scan)

  Change line 87 definition of ModuleFinder.__init__ to:
  def __init__(self, path=None, debug=0, excludes=, replace_paths=, skip_scan=):

  After line 96 in ModuleFinder.__init__ insert:
  self.skip_scan = skip_scan

  After line 405 in ModuleFinder.scan_code insert:
  if m.__name__ in self.skip_scan: return

Erez Bibi