When executing an .exe deployed using py2exe on linux using wine:
sys.platform return "win32", which is correct.
Is there any method to find out underlying OS, when running app using
When executing an .exe deployed using py2exe on linux using wine:
sys.platform return "win32", which is correct.
Is there any method to find out underlying OS, when running app using
Not easily. I've read about some programs that do it, but they seem to
require some pretty serious system hooks and I don't know how they
work exactly or how one would implement that in Python.
On Mar 10, 4:17 am, King <animator...@gmail.com> wrote:
When executing an .exe deployed using py2exe on linux using wine:
sys.platform return "win32", which is correct.Is there any method to find out underlying OS, when running app using
Mike Driscoll
When executing an .exe deployed using py2exe on linux using wine:
I have to ask -- why would you do this? The whole point of wxPython is that it lets you write native apps on multiple platforms...
I can see one might want to use Wine to test the Windows version, but then you wouldn't want to do anything Wine-specific.
That being said, it's pretty cool that it works at all!
sys.platform return "win32", which is correct.
Is there any method to find out underlying OS, when running app using
Certainly not in wx. I suspect there may be some Wine system dll that you could call with ctypes.
On Mar 10, 4:17 am, King <animator...@gmail.com> wrote:
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
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One of the main reason to use WINE is to run the app that is deployed
using py2exe on windows.
installer (using innosetup) & app is running fine on Linux with WINE.
There were some issues but most of them were resolved.
The main advantage is that now you can release one installer that will
work on windows as well as on linux based systems with WINE.