Problems using wx.FileType and wx.Execute to open an MS Word document.


The file definitely exists. Also, the code works as expected on XP
without SP2
and also on Windows 2003. I'd assumed that it was a "security issue"
when I installed SP2. However, I'll take a look at the installation of
MS Office
(the code also doesn't work with Excel files). Perhaps there is some
issue there.




-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Dunn []
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [wxPython-users] Problems using wx.FileType and wx.Execute
to open an MS Word document.

Owens, Kieran wrote:


I'm having problems using wx.FileType to open a Word document on
wxPython on Win XP (SP2). I've included the piece of code


does the opening below but calling it with filename equal to
'c:\\TEST.DOC' causes a message box with the following message to be
displayed "DDE data request failed; a transaction failed".

It works here. Does c:\test.doc exist? Perhaps there is an install
problem with winword?

Calling the
same piece of code on a file with an extension of .eml works just


opening Outlook express as intended.

Because wx.Execute doesn't have to deal with DDE in that case, it just
executes a programwhich is much simpler to do.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

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