I had the same problem as you in trying to figure out how to get
printing to work. The only advice I can give you is to look at the wx
demo, and to look at other peoples code in how they did it. Right or
wrong, here's how I did it. (No guarantee that this is optimal, but
it does work):
In the program initialization:
self.PrintData = wx.PrintData()
self.PrintData.SetPaperId(wx.PAPER_LETTER) #default paper size
self.PageData = wx.PageSetupDialogData(self.PrintData)
There is a printing class that needs to be set up:
class xPrintout(wx.Printout):
def __init__(self, PageList, NumPages, PageData):
self.pagelist = PageList
self.NumPages = NumPages
self.PageData = PageData
def HasPage(self, page):
if (page <= self.NumPages):
return True
return False
def GetPageInfo(self):
return (1, self.NumPages, 1, self.NumPages)
def OnPrintPage(self, page):
dc = self.GetDC()
(wPPI, hPPI) = self.GetPPIPrinter()
(width, height) = dc.GetSizeTuple()
papersize = self.PageData.GetPaperId()
if (papersize == wx.PAPER_LETTER):
#Set size for 8x10 printed size
x = int(0.25*wPPI)
y = int(0.50*hPPI)
wide = width - (2*x)
high = height - (2*y)
pagerect = wx.Rect(x, y, wide, high)
elif (papersize == wx.PAPER_LEGAL):
#Set size for 8x13 printed size
x = int(0.25*wPPI)
y = int(0.50*hPPI)
wide = width - (2*x)
high = height - (2*y)
pagerect = wx.Rect(x, y, wide, high)
elif (papersize == wx.PAPER_TABLOID):
#Set size to 10x16 printed size
x = int(0.50*wPPI)
y = int(0.50*hPPI)
wide = width - (2*x)
high = height - (2*y)
pagerect = wx.Rect(x, y, wide, high)
elif (papersize == wx.PAPER_CSHEET):
#Paper size 17x22, print size 16x21
x = int(0.50*wPPI)
y = int(0.50*hPPI)
wide = width - (2*x)
high = height - (2*y)
pagerect = wx.Rect(x, y, wide, high)
elif (papersize == wx.PAPER_DSHEET):
#Paper size to 22x34; print size 21x33
x = int(0.50*wPPI)
y = int(0.50*hPPI)
wide = width - (2*x)
high = height - (2*y)
pagerect = wx.Rect(x, y, wide, high)
elif (papersize == wx.PAPER_ESHEET):
#Paper size to 34x44; print size 33x43
x = int(0.50*wPPI)
y = int(0.50*hPPI)
wide = width - (2*x)
high = height - (2*y)
pagerect = wx.Rect(x, y, wide, high)
elif (papersize == wx.PAPER_NONE):
#Set to specific dimensions, for now default back to 8x10
printed size
x = int(0.25*wPPI)
y = int(0.50*hPPI)
wide = width - (2*x)
high = height - (2*y)
pagerect = wx.Rect(x, y, wide, high)
scale = float(width)/self.pagelist[page-1].GetWidth()
pagescale = float(pagerect.width)/self.pagelist[page-1].GetWidth()
dc.SetUserScale(pagescale, pagescale)
dc.DrawBitmap(self.pagelist[page-1], 0, 0, True)
return True
This class actually does the printing with the OnPrintPage function.
I have the following function bound to a menu item. From the users
perspective this starts the printing process:
def OnPrintMap(self, event):
#need to send the correct paper size to the printer
#PrintPreviewDialog is a custom print preview that I built for
my app. The important thing about this is the self.PrintBuffer, which
is a bitmap of my screen (my app is a graphics display, not a text
document). From this PrintBuffer I create a list of pages, each sized
to the right paper size.
dlg = PrintPreviewDialog(self.frame, self.res, self.PrintData,
self.PrintBuffer, self.MapStruct.GridExtents)
result = dlg.ShowModal()
if (result == False):
#PrintData holds print job settings (number of pages, num
copies, etc)
PrintData = wx.PrintDialogData(dlg.printdata)
#PageData holds info relative to the paper being used;
self.PageData = dlg.pagedata
#dlg.pagelist is the list of pages to be printed. It was
created in the PrintPreviewDialog.
printout = xPrintout(dlg.pagelist, dlg.NumPagesTotal,
printer = wx.Printer(PrintData)
printer.Print(self.frame, printout, True)
if (printer.GetLastError() == wx.PRINTER_ERROR):
wx.MessageBox("There was a problem printing.\nPerhaps your
current printer is not set correctly?", "Printing", wx.OK)
elif (printer.GetLastError() == wx.PRINTER_CANCELLED):
#wx.MessageBox("Printing Cancelled", "Printing", wx.OK)
self.PrintData = wx.PrintData(printer.GetPrintDialogData
And somehow, it works. There is some kind of magic going on in the
background I think.
If you want to see my code, shoot me an email and I'll forward it on
to you.
On Sep 30, 5:25 pm, evstevemd <mwinjili...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I have tried to understand a mystery of wxPython's printing framework
but it seems I miss the basics or something. Please you guys help me
understand the ABCs of wxPrinting framework. Mark D pointed to me
reportlab which is great but printing directly is more plausible (and
I would like to know procedures and tricks! Something like: to cook
rice --
1. Get hot water
2. Wash the rice
3. blah blah blah
Thanks guys!