Are you really certain?
I added
to OnPrintSetup (line 130) in PrintFramework (wxPython Demo Version
Starting the demo and clicking "Print Setup" correctly shows "Fax" as
the selected Printer.
The unmodified demo shows my standard printer.
I think the function expects one of the local printer names that
appear in "Start -> Settings -> Printers" instead of a network
Harald Stürzebecher
Disclaimer: I don't know anything about wx.PrintDialog - I just
googled the API documentation.
2006/6/22, Michael Hipp <>:
Seems like this would be simple. I'm trying to programmatically redirect print to a different hardcoded printer.
prt = r'\\front2\HP LaserJet 1022n'
copies = 2
printout = wx.html.HtmlPrintout()
data = wx.PrintDialogData()
printer = wx.Printer(data)
result = printer.Print(None, printout, False)
err = printer.GetLastError()It's always returning False in 'result'. And it takes a long time to return the 'result'. I'm certain the 'prt' string is correct. (Or is there some way to get a list of the valid printers?)