You're not really talking about wx.Frames, are you? You mean AUI
panes, right?
Yes, sorry: panes, not frames.
Well, the CenterPane() should not be draggable anywhere,
unless you explicitly specify Movable().CaptionVisible() and something
else. Is it something that can be reproduced with the AUI demo? Are
you using the SVN version of AUI?
I'm using the version included in wxPython Here's how the
panes are added:
def AddPage(self, page, caption, name):
paneInfo =
# To ensure we have a center pane we make the first pane the
center pane:
if not self.manager.GetAllPanes():
paneInfo = paneInfo.Center().CloseButton(False)
self.manager.AddPane(page, paneInfo)
So the center pane does have a caption. I want the caption, but I
don't expect it to be floatable. At least that's how it worked with
the regular AUI. Anyway, this seems to get me back the behavior I
want, at least partially:
paneInfo = paneInfo.Center().Floatable(False).CloseButton(False)
Now the center pane does have a caption, but is not floatable.
Unless.... I drag another pane onto the center pane, creating a tab
control (I think that's how that is called?) and then that whole tab
control can be floated, but not docked (at least not easily, I managed
to dock it only once in a few dozen tries). See the attached
screenshot, where "Tasks" is (was) the main pane.
Thanks, Frank
2009/10/8 Andrea Gavana <>: