Possible to embed a wxPython widget within a wxWidgets application?

I have a wxWidgets C++ application that includes plotting data from an instrument dynamically.

Currently to plot the data, I am using wxMathPlot but I am not quite satisfied with the library in terms of visual artifacts, plot control, and data analysis. And looking into the other C++ wx alternatives I think wxMathPlot is still the best amongst them…

Thus I was wondering whether an alternative approach could be to embed a matplotlib plot into a C++ app. In terms of embedding I am using pybind11 to call the python interpreter and call my python module to run with success.

The problem now was that I could not load the matplotlib into the GUI as wxWidgets does not have a widget to deal with it. I am aware workarounds are possible to load these plot as an image, but again I need to plot data dynamically and with user interactivity…

So now my approach was to create a wxPython wx.Panel class with the plot loaded within it in hopes to embed it to my wxWidget app. My current approach for the class is to take a wxFrame object as a parent, that is passed from the C++ app via pybind11. Of course, now the issue is that nothing can cast a wxFrame object to wx.Frame python object for the python module to work with.

Looking in the forums I see older posts that possibly hint that perhaps this was once possible:
how can I use wxPython from Python embedded in a wxWidgets C++ application?
But that is from 2011 and the links to said embedded samples are dead.

Anyways from looking into the Phoenix Github, I understand that the implementation since then must have evolved from the ‘Classic’ anyhow. I understand that in order for wxPython Project Phoenix to wrap wxWidgets, it utilizes python bindings generated with SIP.

That is where I am at now, attempting to create a .sip and .toml to wrap a wxWidget object to create python bindings, so that I can pass it to a python module so as to hopefully display it in my C++ application.

Is this possible? Or should I abandon this approach…

Below are my example files to investigate if this is doable.
I am stuck at building the specification file as when I try to make the class, SIP cannot recognize wxFrame* still in which I have read that I need to import %_core.sip in which I am attempting to follow:
Using SIP on extended wx
But I am still getting dependency errors…


requires = ["sip >=6, <7"]
build-backend = "sipbuild.api"

name = "myframe"


%Module (name=myframe, language="C++")

%Import _core.sip

class MyFrame
#include "myframe.h"

    MyFrame(wxFrame* frame);
    void SetTitle(const wxString& title);

    wxFrame* frame;


#ifndef MYFRAME_H
#define MYFRAME_H

#include <wx/wx.h>

class MyFrame

	MyFrame(wxFrame* frame);

	wxFrame* frame;


MyFrame::MyFrame(wxFrame* frame) : frame(frame) {}



#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <pybind11/embed.h>
#include "myframe.h"

namespace py = pybind11;

class MyApp : public wxApp
    virtual bool OnInit();


bool MyApp::OnInit()
    // Initialize the Python interpreter
    py::scoped_interpreter guard{};

    // Import the necessary Python modules
    py::module wx = py::module::import("wx");
    py::module mypanel = py::module::import("mypanel");
    py::module myframe = py::module::import("myframe");

    // Create a new frame
    wxFrame* frame = new wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, "Hello World");

    // Create a MyFrame object
    MyFrame my_frame(frame);

    // Wrap the C++ my_frame object using the Python bindings; or do I do this within mypanel.py?
    py::object py_my_frame = myframe.attr("MyFrame")(my_frame);

    // Call the MyPanel function in Python with the wrapped my_frame object
    py::object result = mypanel.attr("MyPanel")(py_my_frame);

    // Show the frame, with the wx.Panel hopefully

    return true;


# mypanel.py
import wx
import myframe

def MyPanel(parent):
    # Create a simple button in a panel for now
    button = wx.Button(parent, label="Click me!")
    sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
    sizer.Add(button, 0, wx.ALL, 5)

It is possible, here is the sample I got inspiration from

I don’t know how much help I can be, but I’m working on a project embedding python into AutoCAD(Windows)

AutoCAD is MFC, but I create a wxApp and create a frame from wxFrame,
I actually have a test using matplotlib

proof of concept

I seemed to have missed the GitHub embedded sample.

I will explore this embed approach in more detail and will reconvene this thread when I ultimately miss something else :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for sharing wxdan!

Just trying to get the sample to run in VS 2022.

I keep returning false for bool wxApp::Init_wxPython() because I get NULL for wxPyGetAPIPtr()…

bool MyApp::Init_wxPython()
    // Initialize Python
    //PyEval_InitThreads(); // C4996 'PyEval_InitThreads': deprecated in 3.9

    // Load the wxPython core API.  Imports the wx._core_ module and sets a
    // local pointer to a function table located there.  The pointer is used
    // internally by the rest of the API functions.
    if (wxPyGetAPIPtr() == NULL) {
        wxLogError(wxT("***** Error importing the wxPython API! *****"));
        return false;

    // Save the current Python thread state and release the
    // Global Interpreter Lock.
    m_mainTState = wxPyBeginAllowThreads();

    return true;

I am the same as the sample except I commented out PyEval_InitThreads(); as it was deprecated since Python 3.9

wxPython is 4.2.1
Python 3.11.4

As far as I am aware, theses should all be compatible, but I am unsure if that extends to wxPyGetAPIPtr()…

Thanks for the info on PyEval_InitThreads, I have that in my code, apparently it’s a noop now.
I used Py_InitializeEx, I don’t remember why, geez I’m getting old… it could be that I ran into a similar issue.

Something I do remember, I had to add the path to python and wxPython to my $PATH env,
You must compile with WXUSINGDLL so wxPython’s wx DLLs get loaded

Since you’re making a .exe, you can probably add these your DLL paths

Oh yeah, when compiling wxWidgets, by default it added a ‘custom’ prefix to all the DLLs. There’s probably a setting to change this, but I just changed this in the solution

Hey wxdan,

So I tried Py_InitializeEx(0), which I read has to do with skipping the initialization of signal handlers when initializing the Python Interpreter… but that did not work.

Then I tried using WXUSINGDLL. I learned that I have only ever compiled wxWidgets with static libraries so I only had built .lib files. I have since built the dynamic libraries .dll files for both release and debug and added the dynamic library folder to the solution’s library/dll path instead.

I noticed the _custom appended to the .dll names that you mentioned, but it seems at least when built via VS, those names are expected as if I change the name, it says that I cannot load ‘example_custom.dll’ as I renamed it.

Now I have successfully built with the DLLs, but I still seem to get wxPyGetAPIPtr() == NULL being true.

I presumed that my system PATH for both python and wxPython are correct as I can run isolated wxPython code w/o issue.

Currently for python I have:

Then I realized that I did not have a path for wxPython; I have since added the following path:
C:\Python311\Lib\site-packages\wx (I pip installed it)
as for me it contains the .dll files… but I still get NULL pointer.

Was there any other configuration step you can recall that I am likely missing?

Try using a dependency tool (dependency walker) to see what wx DLLs you’re referencing
I had to manually change the _custom in the wxWigets solution before building. Just changing the DLL names won’t work (I tried that too lol)

Never knew of such a legacy tool, but I do not have Windows 8 or older…
So using dependencies v1.11 instead from Dependencies GitHub

And fixing wxWidget dynamic library issues that I thought I addressed yesterday… I finally have the following DLLs referenced:

and I still get the wxPyGetAPIPtr() == NULL

Is there anything amiss here? I do still have the _custom prefix as the files within my .dll directory still have them after I rebuilt them again.

Evidently I am noticing the lack of any reference to wxPython…

That’s the tool I use as well
Here’s my references, the missing ones are AutoCAD’s that get loaded at runtime

this is the wxWidgets solution,
I had to manually change the DLL names to match what was in wxPython’s folder

Thanks for the recent post! I finally put together what you have meant and have also manually changed all 16 .dll target names to match the ones in wxPython for Release Mode:

Now the sample code runs! Time to finally play with matplotlib and see how that all works lol.

Thanks for all the help so far wxdan!


For those in the future, here are my current VS solution settings and relevant PATH that I have added working from an empty C++ console project, in order for the embedded wxPython example code to run:

VS 2022 solution Properties:
Release x64

Configuration Properties>VC++ Directories>Include Directories: C:\Python311\include;
Configuration Properties>VC++ Directories>Library Directories: C:\Python311\libs;
so obviously change it to your python’s (that has wxPython pip installed) path

Configuration Properties>C/C++>General: $(WXWIN)\include\msvc;$(WXWIN)\include;C:\Python311\Lib\site-packages\wx\include;
where $(WXWIN) is a macro for the path of wxWidgets
again my path for wxPython that is pip installed

Configuration Properties>C/C++>Preprocessor: WXUSINGDLL;

Configuration Properties>Linker>General: $(WXWIN)\lib\vc_x64_dll;
the default folder for building Release(DLL) x64 via VS
I built with wx_vc17.sln as I am on VS 2022
You need to change all the target names like how wxdan describes above to match wxPython DLLs (removes “_custom” prefix)

Configuration Properties>Linker>System: Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS)
switched from console.

python paths
and wxPython DLL path for runtime

Out of curiosity, I tried to see if this works for DEBUG mode but I still get wxPyGetAPIPtr() == NULL as expected.
I presume this easily translates to x86 assuming you have said architecture for python, wxWidgets, and wxPython… though I have not tried so myself.

wxPython is 4.2.1
Python 3.11.4

the final dependencies:

1 Like

I realize this is slightly off-topic, but if you are already using wxPython and matplotlib to make interactive 2D plots, you might consider using wxmplot (https://github.com/newville/wxmplot/, I am the lead author). This is designed to give interactive and configurable plots to end-users. If you are already using matplotlib and embedding within C++ wx code that loads Python, this is a small, pure-python module and does not add much to the requirement of needing a wxPython event loop.

So just working with embedding matplotlib through the embedded example provided on the GitHub, I believe I have a good grasp as to how I can control modify the plot from C++ through the Python C API.

Below is said code that adds a simple matplotlib to the bottom panel of the splitter. As an example you can generate random peak plots via the File menu event “Refresh plot”.


#include <Python.h>

// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include <wx/wxprec.h>

// if precompilation fails or is not supported.
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include <wx/wx.h>

// not included in the aformentioned precompiled header...
#include <wx/splitter.h>

// Import Python and wxPython headers
#include <wxPython/sip.h>
#include <wxPython/wxpy_api.h>

#include <numeric>
#include <random>
#include <vector>

// Class definitions; should try to be their onw header files?

class MyApp : public wxApp
    virtual bool OnInit();
    virtual int  OnExit();
    bool Init_wxPython();
    PyThreadState* m_mainTState;    
    //PyThreadState* m_mainTState;    // orignially was private

class MyFrame : public wxFrame
    MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
    wxWindow* DoPythonStuff(wxWindow* parent);
    //void OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event);
    void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event);
    void OnPyPlot(wxCommandEvent& event);

    PyObject* m_panel;

namespace helper
    void stop_python_code();

// MyApp methods

bool MyApp::OnInit()
    if (!Init_wxPython())
        // don't start the app if we can't initialize wxPython.
        return false;
    MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame(_T("Embedded matplotlib Test"),
        wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(700, 600));
    return true;

bool MyApp::Init_wxPython()
    // Initialize Python
    //PyEval_InitThreads(); // C4996 'PyEval_InitThreads': deprecated in 3.9

    // Load the wxPython core API.  Imports the wx._core_ module and sets a
    // local pointer to a function table located there.  The pointer is used
    // internally by the rest of the API functions.
    if (wxPyGetAPIPtr() == NULL) {
        wxLogError(wxT("***** Error importing the wxPython API! *****"));
        return false;

    // Save the current Python thread state and release the
    // Global Interpreter Lock.
    m_mainTState = wxPyBeginAllowThreads();

    return true;

int MyApp::OnExit()
    // Restore the thread state and tell Python to cleanup after itself.
    // wxPython will do its own cleanup as part of that process.  This is done
    // in OnExit instead of ~MyApp because OnExit is only called if OnInit is
    // successful.
    //return 0;
    return wxApp::OnExit(); // should be the same...


// MyFrame methods

    ID_EXIT = 1001,

//EVT_MENU(ID_EXIT, MyFrame::OnExit)

MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size)
    : wxFrame(NULL, -1, title, pos, size,
    wxMenuBar* mbar = new wxMenuBar;
    wxMenu* menu = new wxMenu;
    menu->Append(ID_PYPLOT, _T("Refresh Plot"));
    //menu->Append(ID_EXIT, _T("&Close Frame\tAlt-X"));
    mbar->Append(menu, _T("&File"));


    // Make some child windows from C++
    wxSplitterWindow* sp = new wxSplitterWindow(this, -1);
    wxPanel* p1 = new wxPanel(sp, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSUNKEN_BORDER);

    new wxStaticText(p1, -1,
        _T("The frame, menu, splitter, this panel and this text were created in C++..."),
        wxPoint(10, 10));

    // And get a panel from Python
    wxWindow* p2 = DoPythonStuff(sp);

    if (p2) sp->SplitHorizontally(p1, p2, GetClientSize().y / 4);

    Bind(wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, &MyFrame::OnClose, this);

//void MyFrame::OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event)
//    //Py_DECREF(m_panel);
//    Close();

void MyFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event)
    //Py_DECREF(m_panel);   // not the issue it seems
    //helper::stop_python_code();   // not sure logically if this really achieve anything
    //wxPyEndAllowThreads(wxGetApp().m_mainTState); // manulay moved from MyApp::OnExit()

    //wxGetApp().OnExit();  // bad practice

    //Destroy();            // same as Close?

    //Close();              // same as Destroy?


// wxPython

namespace helper 
    void stop_python_code()
        wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Stopping Python code");

const char* python_code = "\
import sys\n\
import plot\n\
def makeWindow(parent):\n\
    win = plot.MyPanel(parent)\n\
    return win\n\

wxWindow* MyFrame::DoPythonStuff(wxWindow* parent)
    // More complex embedded situations will require passing C++ objects to
    // Python and/or returning objects from Python to be used in C++.  This
    // sample shows one way to do it.  NOTE: The above code could just have
    // easily come from a file, or the whole thing could be in the Python
    // module that is imported and manipulated directly in this C++ code.  See
    // the Python API for more details.

    wxWindow* window = NULL;
    PyObject* result;

    // As always, first grab the GIL
    wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();

    // Now make a dictionary to serve as the global namespace when the code is
    // executed.  Put a reference to the builtins module in it.  (Yes, the
    // names are supposed to be different, I don't know why...)
    PyObject* globals = PyDict_New();
    PyObject* builtins = PyImport_ImportModule("builtins");
    PyObject* builtins = PyImport_ImportModule("__builtin__");
    PyDict_SetItemString(globals, "__builtins__", builtins);

    // Execute the code to make the makeWindow function
    result = PyRun_String(python_code, Py_file_input, globals, globals);
    // Was there an exception?
    if (!result) {
        return NULL;

    // Now there should be an object named 'makeWindow' in the dictionary that
    // we can grab a pointer to:
    PyObject* func = PyDict_GetItemString(globals, "makeWindow");

    // Now build an argument tuple and call the Python function.  Notice the
    // use of another wxPython API to take a wxWindows object and build a
    // wxPython object that wraps it.
    PyObject* arg = wxPyConstructObject((void*)parent, "wxWindow", false);
    wxASSERT(arg != NULL);
    //PyObject* tuple = PyTuple_New(1);
    //PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, arg);
    PyObject* tuple = PyTuple_Pack(1, arg);
    result = PyObject_CallObject(func, tuple);

    // Was there an exception?
    if (!result)
    else {
        // Otherwise, get the returned window out of Python-land and
        // into C++-ville...
        bool success = wxPyConvertWrappedPtr(result, (void**)&window, _T("wxWindow"));
        wxASSERT_MSG(success, _T("Returned object was not a wxWindow!"));

        // Save a reference to the returned MyPanel instance
        m_panel = result;
        //Py_INCREF(m_panel);     // is this needed?

    // Release the python objects we still have

    // Finally, after all Python stuff is done, release the GIL

    return window;

void MyFrame::OnPyPlot(wxCommandEvent& event)
    // As always, first grab the GIL
    wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();

    std::vector<double> ydata(2048, 0.00);

    // Create a random number generator
    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 gen(rd());
    std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(0.2, 1.0);

    // Randomly select 6 indices to mutate
    int size = ydata.size();
    std::vector<int> indices(ydata.size());
    std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0);
    std::shuffle(indices.begin(), indices.end(), gen);

    // Mutate the selected elements
    for (int i : indices) {
        ydata[i] = dis(gen);

    // Convert the ydata vector to a Python list
    PyObject* ydata_list = PyList_New(ydata.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < ydata.size(); i++) {
        PyList_SetItem(ydata_list, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(ydata[i]));

    // Call the add_data method of the MyPanel instance
    PyObject* result = PyObject_CallMethod(m_panel, "add_data", "O", ydata_list);

    // Check for errors
    if (!result) {
    else {

    // Clean up

    // Finally, after all Python stuff is done, release the GIL



import wx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import NavigationToolbar2Wx
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import find_peaks

class MyPanel(wx.Panel):
    """ wxPython code loading matplotlib """
    def __init__(self, parent):
        super(MyPanel, self).__init__(parent, -1, style = wx.BORDER_NONE | wx.MAXIMIZE)

        # Create a figure and a canvas to draw on
        self.figure = plt.figure()
        self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self, -1, self.figure)

        # Create a navigation toolbar
        self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Wx(self.canvas)

        # Draw a simple plot
        self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111)
        self.axes.plot([1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 4])

        # Create a sizer to manage the layout
        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        sizer.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND)
        sizer.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.EXPAND)

    def add_data(self, ydata):
        """Overwrite the plot data with new data"""
        xdata = np.arange(1, 2049)
        self.axes.plot(xdata, ydata, color='green')

        # Find the peaks in the ydata
        peaks, _ = find_peaks(ydata, height=0.1)

        # Add labels for the peaks
        for peak in peaks:
            # Display the x value at each peak
            label = str(xdata[peak])
            self.axes.annotate(label, xy=(xdata[peak], ydata[peak]), xytext=(0, 5), textcoords='offset points', ha='center', va='bottom', rotation=90, color='green')

        # Adjust the y-axis limits to prevent the labels from being cut off
        ymin, ymax = self.axes.get_ylim()
        ymax += 0.1 * (ymax - ymin)  # Increase the upper y-axis limit by 10%
        self.axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

        # Set the x-ticks to be at multiples of 256
        self.axes.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 2049, 256))
        # Fix the x-axis limits to be exactly 1 and 2048
        self.axes.set_xlim(1, 2048)

        # Set the view limits to new "Home" position
        plt.xlim(1, 2048)
        plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)

        # Update the view history to set the new "Home" position


Now that I have a better understanding of passing objects between the languages, I want to address an issue I noticed when I first started where when I close the wxFrame, the VS debugger does not automatically terminate like it did for the original embedded python example.

Using breakpoints,I found out that when I close the frame, it never invokes MyApp::OnExit(). I have since tried a MyFrame::OnClose() binded to the wxCloseEvent to try and see if I can I resolve this issue to no luck, they are currently commented out.

Besides switching the example from a PyScript to a matplotlib, the sample code should be very similar to the original. I do have to save the result = PyObject_CallObject(func, tuple); to a private class variable PyObject* m_panel [MyFrame::DoPythonStuff()] such that my code can later modify the plot via PyObject* result = PyObject_CallMethod(m_panel, “add_data”, “O”, ydata_list); [MyFrame::OnPyPlot]. I originally thought that a reference to result or m_panel was the cause, but it seems that they have been properly decrement to 0 by the time the frame is closed… even if I simplify the code further to no events and just an empty plot, closing the last and only frame does not invoke MyApp::OnExit().

I tried to step through or step into breakpoints but I will run into the VS No symbols Loaded error that wxmsw32u_core_vc140_x64.pdb is not loaded as it does not exit of course. And if I were to provide the wxWidgets pdb file, then it does not load due to mismatch of course.

I was wondering if anyone else knows what I am likely missing?

In my plug in for AutoCAD,
::OnInit() gets or creates an instance of the main frame, then calls wxTheApp->SetTopWindow(pFrame);
I’m not sure this is a requirement, I think the goal is wxWidgets and wxPython share wxTheApp

All of the GUIs I create in python are child wx.Dialogs, setting the parent to null automatically sets the parent to wxTheApp->GetMainTopWindow().

I haven’t tried to add a panel to the main frame