Here a first try me fixing up (rst'ify) some of the doc strings, they are not finished, i.e. not spell checked etc.
Please be gentle with the critique:-) .
Some notes and questions mainly in relation to the lib.patch.
-- :note: or .. note:: etc
-- @param whatever: is this fine or only :param `whatever`:
-- code signature like this "IsEmpty(self) -> bool" should be removed, correct?
In lib.agw.InfoBar I often see :param etc terminated with ";" should this always be done, or ...?
Any guide lines when one should link?
:type `pos`: tuple or `wx.Point`
will wx.Point in this way be linked to the doc for wx.Point or do we need to do L{wx.Point} or should it be :class:`wx.Point` or ....?
Do we have have a readme on formatting etc we should use? Maybe just a link to things like:
Paragraph level markup see:
Info field list (e.g. :param ....: ) see:
Cross-reference Python objects see:
sphinx.pocoo.org/domains.html - I assume we can drop :py: i.e. just use :mod: instead of :py:mod:
Will keep on going with the wx.lib folder and 'rst'ify" existing documentation, should anyone else start working on this then we should setup of system to coordinate the effort so not to waste our time doing the same thing twice.
etg.patch (3.96 KB)
lib.patch (14.4 KB)