I'm using a timer object and an OGL canvas to work with 80+ shapes
that need to move every time the timer fires. The result of how I'm
doing things ends up being very slowly rendered to the screen no
matter how quickly I do things. I'm probably doing something wrong,
and I'm very new to both timers and OGL. Any help on getting this to
run faster/properly would be greatly appreciated. Here are the
relevant parts of the code that I'm using currently:

    def OnTimer(self, evt):
        #print "tick %i" % self.time
        self.UpdateTime(self.time+1) # increases the time

    def OnPlay(self, evt):
        print "Play"
        self.timer = wx.Timer(self)
        self.timer.Start(5) # every second, do something
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer)

    def UpdateLocations(self):
        for key, val in self.persons.items():
            dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas)
            #val.shape.Move(dc, val.locations[self.str_time].x*6+6,
            val.shape.Move(dc, val.locations[self.str_time].x*6+6,

Try passing display=False to the Move methods so it won't redraw the whole canvas for every move.


On 10/8/09 10:34 PM, excid3 wrote:

I'm using a timer object and an OGL canvas to work with 80+ shapes
that need to move every time the timer fires. The result of how I'm
doing things ends up being very slowly rendered to the screen no
matter how quickly I do things. I'm probably doing something wrong,
and I'm very new to both timers and OGL. Any help on getting this to
run faster/properly would be greatly appreciated. Here are the
relevant parts of the code that I'm using currently:

     def UpdateLocations(self):
         for key, val in self.persons.items():
             dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas)
             #val.shape.Move(dc, val.locations[self.str_time].x*6+6,
             val.shape.Move(dc, val.locations[self.str_time].x*6+6,

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

That helps, I think that having 80+ moving shapes and 500+ background
shapes behind it just make it hard to render timely. Still really
really slow unfortunately.


On Oct 9, 1:28 pm, Robin Dunn <ro...@alldunn.com> wrote:

On 10/8/09 10:34 PM, excid3 wrote:

> I'm using a timer object and an OGL canvas to work with 80+ shapes
> that need to move every time the timer fires. The result of how I'm
> doing things ends up being very slowly rendered to the screen no
> matter how quickly I do things. I'm probably doing something wrong,
> and I'm very new to both timers and OGL. Any help on getting this to
> run faster/properly would be greatly appreciated. Here are the
> relevant parts of the code that I'm using currently:
> def UpdateLocations(self):
> for key, val in self.persons.items():
> #shape.SetX(val.locations[self.time].x*6+6)
> #shape.SetY(val.locations[self.time].y*6+12)
> dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas)
> #val.shape.Move(dc, val.locations[self.str_time].x*6+6,
> val.locations[self.str_time].y*6+12)
> val.shape.Move(dc, val.locations[self.str_time].x*6+6,
> val.locations[self.str_time].y*6+12)
> self.canvas.Refresh()

Try passing display=False to the Move methods so it won't redraw the
whole canvas for every move.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsmanhttp://wxPython.org

excid3 wrote:

That helps, I think that having 80+ moving shapes and 500+ background
shapes behind it just make it hard to render timely. Still really
really slow unfortunately.

try VPython,
a few nice examples to look for: fountain, random, randombox,pipes


On Oct 9, 1:28 pm, Robin Dunn <ro...@alldunn.com> wrote:

On 10/8/09 10:34 PM, excid3 wrote:

I'm using a timer object and an OGL canvas to work with 80+ shapes
that need to move every time the timer fires. The result of how I'm
doing things ends up being very slowly rendered to the screen no
matter how quickly I do things. I'm probably doing something wrong,
and I'm very new to both timers and OGL. Any help on getting this to
run faster/properly would be greatly appreciated. Here are the
relevant parts of the code that I'm using currently:
     def UpdateLocations(self):
         for key, val in self.persons.items():
             dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas)
             #val.shape.Move(dc, val.locations[self.str_time].x*6+6,
             val.shape.Move(dc, val.locations[self.str_time].x*6+6,

Try passing display=False to the Move methods so it won't redraw the
whole canvas for every move.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsmanhttp://wxPython.org


excid3 wrote:

That helps, I think that having 80+ moving shapes and 500+ background
shapes behind it

I don't know what types of shapes you are using, but you might want to try wx.lib.floatcanvas -- that should be no problem 580 objects is not that many. In addition, FloatCanvas supports a separate background and foreground, in which case you'd only be re-rendering the 80 moving shapes.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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