Newbie planning for the future: wxPython GUI builders and Python 3.x?

grunculus wrote:

My questions:

1) If you were starting out with wxPython and wanted to preserve your
investment with changes in Python, what GUI designer would you use?
Now THERE is a question that is just loaded with personal biases and preferences. GUI designers are so personal that I would be hesitant to accept anyone's advice here without trying it out yourself.

For me, I find xrced to be an excellent prototyping tool for planning my layout. I'll go in and create the sizers, lay out the controls, rearrange them, and save the layout. Then, I'll take what I learned from that experimentation, and recreate the layout by hand in Python with direct wxPython calls.

I suppose that's because I'm a control freak. I don't have enough visibility in the xrc loading process.

And that's an odd thing for me to say, because I have no problem at all doing C++ dialogs using a resource editor, which is EXACTLY the same philosophy as xrc.


Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.