I Open the MDIParentFrame and from the menu the MDIChildFrame...
When i minimize the MDIParentFrame (have bitmap in background) and
then maximize the MDIParentFrame the MDIChilFrame disappears... the
StaticBitmap will appear both in the MDI Parent's client area as well
as the MDI Child's client area.
On Nov 26, 4:25 am, Alberto R <a...@fpress.com> wrote:
I'm novice with wxPython....
I have a MDIParentFrame and a MDIChildFrame
I Open the MDIParentFrame and from the menu the MDIChildFrame...
When i minimize the MDIParentFrame (have bitmap in background) and
then maximize the MDIParentFrame the MDIChilFrame disappears... the
StaticBitmap will appear both in the MDI Parent's client area as well
as the MDI Child's client area.
I Open the MDIParentFrame and from the menu the MDIChildFrame...
When i minimize the MDIParentFrame (have bitmap in background) and
then maximize the MDIParentFrame the MDIChilFrame disappears... the
StaticBitmap will appear both in the MDI Parent's client area as well
as the MDI Child's client area.