Menu icons don't show up on Ubuntu, do on others

I have my port from [py2/wx2.8/windows] to [py3/wx.4.1/ubuntu 18.04] working now…thanks for the help!

Aesthetic question. The menubars have icons on some of the menu items, and they show up on the windows version.

But on the Ubuntu18.04 version they are gone.

Yet on Mint 19.3, which is supposedly based on my same ubuntu 18.04, it has the icons like Windows does.

Is there a way to get the icons on the Ubunbu version?

Might be a desktop-theme related thing
In Linux Mint settings, you can choose to display icons in menus:

don’t know about Ubuntu

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Interesting. Mint + Cinnamon desktop has a very nice, crisp look and feel. Thanks for pointing me to the part of the configuration that controls the icon display.

Yes, that is correct. And it can be dependent on the Desktop Environment as well. IIRC, not all of them allow you to turn the preference on or off in their own preferences dialogs, but the GNOME Tweak Tools mentioned here may let you do it.

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