masked.TimeCtrl question


If I understand you correctly, The behavior you describe doesn’t happen under Windows; if

I bring up the demo, tab to a field in the time control demo, thus highlighting it, then

switch windows entirely, and then switch back, the selection is still shown.

So I am not clear on why the foreground is white in the 1st place…

For the record, you can control the various colors of the masked controls with the parameters:

    emptyBackgroundColour      Control Background color when identified as empty. Default=White
    invalidBackgroundColour    Control Background color when identified as Not valid. Default=Yellow
    validBackgroundColour      Control Background color when identified as Valid. Default=white
    foregroundColour           Control foreground color when value is not negative.  Default=Black
    signedForegroundColour     Control foreground color when value is negative. Default=Red

But the masked controls don’t do anything with what is used to show selections; that is left

to the underlying controls. What environment and version are you using?


/Will Sadkin

lib.masked author


William Sadkin

Parlance Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Shoemaker, Ronnie A. []
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 3:26 PM
Subject: RE: [wxPython-users] masked.TimeCtrl question

Thanks, Will,

I am okay with the entire field selection on entry. That is how I need it to work. The problem arises, for example, when I tab to a field and highlight it then move the pointer to a different application. The default losing focus apparently restores the original background color, but leaves the foreground white. This in effect would make it disappear if the background is white (which is the default emptyBackgroundColour.)

I am not sure what the TE_NOHIDESEL flag does, but from what I read I assumed it may cause the losing focus to restore the foreground and background. You may be telling me that I can override the gain/lose focus method to reverse the selection colors myself, but I’m not sure it is worth it at this stage of my experience unless it is something very easy to do.

Thank you very much, Will, for you prompt and detailed reply. I just wanted to get the situation explained in case It is a bug or a needed feature that someone wants to add. So don’t spend too much time on it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Will Sadkin []
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 1:08 PM
Subject: RE: [wxPython-users] masked.TimeCtrl question


I'm not actually sure what the TE_NOHIDESEL style flag does, but if it's a standard TextCtrl
style, then you should still be able to specify it in the TimeCtrl constructor.  By default,
masked.TimeCtrl     uses style wx.TE_PROCESS_TAB, so you could theoretically | it with the
above flag...
However, this may not make any difference, because masked controls always set their
selection and cursor position on entry into the     control if the entire text is selected when the
focus event occurs.  This is because     the base textctrl sets     the selection to the entire contents of
the     control by default on entry, which is fine for empty     controls, but usually doesn't make sense
for a masked control, timectrl     included, because they're almost never     empty, and you don't want
the usual semantics of typing to replace     the entire contents of the control. 
So the default MaskedEditMixin has two methods related to this,
_OnFocus() and _fixSelection().  Here's what they say, in turn:
    def _OnFocus(self,event):
        This event handler is currently necessary to work around new default
        behavior as of wxPython2.3.3;
        The TAB key auto selects the entire contents of the wx.TextCtrl *after*
        the EVT_SET_FOCUS event occurs; therefore we can't query/adjust the selection
        *here*, because it hasn't happened yet.  So to prevent this behavior, and
        preserve the correct selection when the focus event is not due to tab,
        we need to pull the following trick:
##        dbg('MaskedEditMixin::_OnFocus')
        if self.IsBeingDeleted() or self.GetParent().IsBeingDeleted():
    def _fixSelection(self):
        This gets called after the TAB traversal selection is made, if the
        focus event was due to this, but before the EVT_LEFT_* events if
        the focus shift was due to a mouse event.
        The trouble is that, a priori, there's no explicit notification of
        why the focus event we received.  However, the whole reason we need to
        do this is because the default behavior on TAB traveral in a wx.TextCtrl is
        now to select the entire contents of the window, something we don't want.
        So we can *now* test the selection range, and if it's "the whole text"
        we can assume the cause, change the insertion point to the start of
        the control, and deselect.
##        dbg('MaskedEditMixin::_fixSelection', indent=1)
        # can get here if called with wx.CallAfter after underlying
        # control has been destroyed on close, but after focus
        # events
        if not self or not self._mask or not self._IsEditable():
##            dbg(indent=0)
        sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
##        dbg('sel_start, sel_to:', sel_start, sel_to, 'self.IsEmpty()?', self.IsEmpty())
        if( sel_start == 0 and sel_to >= len( self._mask )   #(can be greater in numeric controls because of reserved space)
            and (not self._ctrl_constraints._autoSelect or self.IsEmpty() or self.IsDefault() ) ):
            # This isn't normally allowed, and so assume we got here by the new
            # "tab traversal" behavior, so we need to reset the selection
            # and insertion point:
##            dbg('entire text selected; resetting selection to start of control')
            field = self._FindField(self._GetInsertionPoint())
            edit_start, edit_end = field._extent
            if field._selectOnFieldEntry:
                self._SetSelection(edit_start, edit_end)
            elif field._insertRight:
                self._SetSelection(edit_end, edit_end)
        elif (self._isFloat or self._isInt):
            text, signpos, right_signpos = self._getAbsValue()
            if text is None or text == self._template:
                integer = self._fields[0]
                edit_start, edit_end = integer._extent
                if integer._selectOnFieldEntry:
##                    dbg('select on field entry:')
                    self._SetSelection(edit_start, edit_end)
                elif integer._insertRight:
##                    dbg('moving insertion point to end')
                    self._SetSelection(edit_end, edit_end)
##                    dbg('numeric ctrl is empty; start at beginning after sign')
                    self._SetInsertionPoint(signpos+1)   ## Move past minus sign space if signed
                    self._SetSelection(signpos+1, signpos+1)
        elif sel_start > self._goEnd(getPosOnly=True):
##            dbg('cursor beyond the end of the user input; go to end of it')
##            dbg('sel_start, sel_to:', sel_start, sel_to, 'self._masklength:', self._masklength)
##        dbg(indent=0)
You could derive your own time control variant that overrides     these methods if you

need to, or you could keep track of the last selection either internally to a derivation

or externally in your application, and reapply it on a     focus event.
Hope this helps,
/Will Sadkin
lib.masked author

William Sadkin
Parlance Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Shoemaker, Ronnie A. []
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: [wxPython-users] masked.TimeCtrl question


        I was successful in using the Masked Edit Colour controls and adding a DDD/ field to get what I needed, but I still kind of need the             TE_NOHIDESEL style flag. The highlighting changes the foreground color to white, which doesn't show up well on light backgrounds (when losing focus).  It is not completely invisible on the light blue background I am using, so I can live with that, or darken the background a little.



-----Original Message-----

From: Robin Dunn []

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:02 PM


        > Subject: Re: [wxPython-users] masked.TimeCtrl question

Shoemaker, Ronnie A. wrote:

Hi All,

        > > I am trying to use the TimeCtrl for a time field. It functions great
        > > except for two things. The background changes to white when I use
        > > it, and the selection disappears when I move the mouse out of the
        > > app. We use a certain background for editable fields and a different

one for read-only.

The Masked Edit controls also have custom settings for bg

colours. See

“Coloring Behavior” at

        > You can set the colour to be used for "valid" like this:
        > w.SetCtrlParameters(validBackgroundColour=wx.Colour(*BG_TEXT))

and then it will be persistent. (Although I think it would

make sense

        > for it to default to GetBackgroundColour() instead of always being

“white”. Will, what do you think?)

        > > A tiny app demonstrating the problem is listed below. I tried using
        > > the TE_NOHIDESEL style, but am not sure I did it right.

I think that TE_NOHIDESEL only works on Windows.

Robin Dunn

Software Craftsman

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