lists for sale

Fully Licensed Doctors in the United States

788,143 in total � 17,400 emails

Coverage in many different areas of medicine such as Endocrinology, Pathology, Urology, Neurology, Plastic Surgery, Psychiatry, Cardiology and much more

Sort by over a dozen different fields

This week's special price = $298

*** Get the data below as a gift when you order the MD list above ***

American Pharmaceutical Company bigwigs
5000 personal emails and names for decision makers

American Hospital Listing
complete contact information for CEO's, CFO's, Directors and more - over 23,000 listings in total for more than 7,000 hospitals in the USA

Contact List of US Dentists
More than half a million listings [worth $299 alone!]

American Chiropractors Database
100k Chiropractors offices with full contact data including email, postal address, phone and fax

send and email to: call us: 1-206-984-3280

above valid thru Oct 5

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