Kanban board view


I’m looking to make a application with a kanban board. The functionality I’m looking to implement is as series of columns with drag and drop cards, each card having text and icons.

I have just started canvasing what controls I would like to use for the project. But I’ve not found something for the kanban board part. So far I have tried

  • The wxpython demo (/wxPython-demo-4.0.0a3)
  • Searched for “kanban” “board” “card” “column” combinations in the wxpython API, mailing list and this forum.
  • Tried google and stackoverflow - but no useful results (mostly browser based implementations)


  • Does anyone know if there are controls in wxpython I could use out of the box?
  • Any pointers on where I might start to experiment from if not?
  • Any general advice? (libraries, approaches, similar projects etc)

Thanks in advance

I don’t think that something is readily available.
Maybe you can have a look at the OGL demo in the wxPython demo.
This should get you started on drawing the cards yourself.


In addition to what Dietmar said, FloatCanvas might also be an option.

Or you could make each card a wx.Panel. That would allow you to use standard widgets within the panels. The wx.Panel’s would then not be members of a sizer hierarchy, instead you’d have to manage positioning manually (relative to the parent, which would probably be another panel, maybe a ScrolledWindow). Inside each card panel you could use sizers, though.