I'm converting an old application that uses wxpython to the latest
version of the library (the last version was from Jan 2007).
One problem I'm having is the toolbars are not showing up correctly. The
"disabled" buttons are being auto-generated by passing in NullBitmap for
bitmap2. I'm attaching a screen shot of the old "working" toolbar (on
top) and the new "mangled" toolbar on bottom. Ignore the extra "properties" icon I added during testing. I have the old version
running in a virtual machine for comparison.
The source is exactly the same. The bitmaps are being made as shown
below and seem correct. The background of the bitmap is standard Windows
grey (192, 192, 192). I've also updated from Python 2.4 to 2.5
The tool is being added with a simple:
tool_bar.AddLabelTool(id, label, bmp_getter(), longHelp = status_help)
Has anything changed that would cause this to happen?
Thanks in advance,
def getBitmap_green_vcr_play():
stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getImage_green_vcr_play())
return wx.BitmapFromImage(wx.ImageFromStream(stream))
def getImage_green_vcr_play():
return \