Mike Driscoll wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Hon. Toy Peters <ibpe...@gmail.com > > <mailto:ibpe…@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Though am not new to Python but new to wxpython, and i need
> someones assistance in getting wxpython work.
> I downloaded *"wxPython2.8-win32-unicode-"* from
> wxpython.org <http://wxpython.org> and after installing it,without
> changing the directory I still can not find my wxpython work
> Actually i was expecting a ready GUI for wxpython like PyScripter
> or any IDE where I can drag and drop elements(button,panel,frame
> e.t.c) and also write code but I could not find any of such. I
> then get a tutorial online that instruct me that I should use
> *"IDLE (Python GUI)"* and firstly *import wx*.
> After typing *"import wx"* and try to run my code an error "no
> module name called wx" prompts up and i cant go further learing
> using wxpython.
> On this note, I have been on this for 3 days and night and no
> positve result, I need anybody with the best assistance to reply
> me urgently because I like to use python even for my GUI...
> Expecting a reply..
> --
> Life is all About God ad You,
> What Side are u with God?
> Make the Best Choice Today
> God loves You.
> If you're on Windows 7, then this issue could be the culprit:
> Which Windows are you on? Were there any errors when you installed
> wxPython? Maybe you need to re-download it, uninstall the one you have
> and reinstall?
> By the way, wxPython doesn't come with a GUI for building a GUI. You
> can try Boa Constructor or wxGlade to do some of that. I also hear
> that there's something called wxDesigner, but that's a commercial
> product. I personally do it by hand as I like to tweak my code and I
> learn it much better this way.
> -----------------
> Mike Driscoll
> Blog: http://blog.pythonlibrary.org
do you have multiple Python versions installed? IDLE may be launching in
Python 2.5, whereas you installed wx for 2.6. I helped someone who had
this issue in IRC yesterday, so it may be a possibility.