How to force GenericDirCtrl to show hidden and system files and dirs ???

Hi !

I have a program. I need to enable users to select directory.


don’t show system/hidden files ?

How to I force it ?

And if not possible, how to I replace with a component that do it ?

I use Windows XP, wxPy last version.

Thanx for help: dd

Dara Durum wrote:

Hi !

I have a program. I need to enable users to select directory.


don't show system/hidden files ?

How to I force it ?

I don't think that it can be.

And if not possible, how to I replace with a component that do it ?

wx.GenericDirCtrl is just a simple wrapper around a wx.TreeCtrl with some code for scanning directories on demand as nodes in the tree are expanded.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

Sunday, May 7, 2006, 7:13:47 PM, Robin Dunn wrote:

Dara Durum wrote:

Hi !

I have a program. I need to enable users to select directory.


don't show system/hidden files ?

How to I force it ?

I don't think that it can be.

It can! The following works for me:

  my_dir = wx.GenericDirCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY,
                             dir = "c:\\",
                             filter="All files (*.*)|*.*")

And if not possible, how to I replace with a component that do it ?

It seems that it's possible. But if you want to try another control,
download GenericWinDirCtrl from
and create it passing a DIRCTRL_SHOW_HIDDEN style.

-- tacao

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