How about a wxPython demo with tutorials?

There any way we could add tutorials to the wxPython demo? The demo
app is so accessible, and adding a tutorial section where people could
add demos that aren't single widget specific would be useful if its
not a problem doing so.

See the wxPython wiki, Zetcode and my blog for tutorials. I’m doing a series on creating simple applications with wxPython and then expanding on them. My first post in the series was on an Image Viewer application and I plan to write an add-on for that application that I’ll post about soon.


On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 12:02 AM, Mark wrote:

There any way we could add tutorials to the wxPython demo? The demo

app is so accessible, and adding a tutorial section where people could

add demos that aren’t single widget specific would be useful if its

not a problem doing so.

Mike Driscoll


It's an interesting idea, although my first inclination is that web pages are a better media for tutorials. Maybe you could share some more of your thoughts about what this would look like and how it would work?


On 4/2/10 10:02 PM, Mark wrote:

There any way we could add tutorials to the wxPython demo? The demo
app is so accessible, and adding a tutorial section where people could
add demos that aren't single widget specific would be useful if its
not a problem doing so.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

The wiki never helped me out much, whether its the layout or design or
the randomness of the code.

I guess I'd rather see more people actively adding to and modifying
the demo in order to:

- encourage people to modify the tutorials and expand on them.

- enforce coding standards - people would be more likely to modify
your code to conform then editing someone else's wiki page. This is a
big one for me since I can't stand copying in code to my app that
doesn't follow the wxPython conventions.

- People could add their own widgets they've created, others could
pick them up and polish them.. Basically encourage more participation
in contributing to wxPython.



On Apr 6, 1:38 am, Robin Dunn <> wrote:

On 4/2/10 10:02 PM, Mark wrote:

> There any way we could add tutorials to the wxPython demo? The demo
> app is so accessible, and adding a tutorial section where people could
> add demos that aren't single widget specific would be useful if its
> not a problem doing so.

It's an interesting idea, although my first inclination is that web
pages are a better media for tutorials. Maybe you could share some more
of your thoughts about what this would look like and how it would work?

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman