I want to put a table on my application. I think that wxGrid is probably the right widget, but I can't get it to work. Based on the wxWidgets C++ documentation I tried doing this:
myTable = wx.Grid(panel, wx.ID_ANY)
Sadly, this failed miserably:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Grid'
So I went to Google and did a search for "grid wxPython" (since lord knows that you can't find anything by browsing the wiki) and I found this page:
This page claims to be a manual, but it isn't. A manual should explain how to use a widget and show code examples. But after reading this page I haven't the faintest clue which of the classes I'm supposed to use to make a table on my application (wxGrid, wxPyGridTableBase, etc).
At best, this page could be called an "API reference" for people who already know which widget they need.
Yes, I did try clicking on "wxGrid", but the resulting page was not any more illuminating. The page has many words, but I have no idea what it is trying to tell me. I think it's some kind of reference for internal developers. Certainly nothing that tells me how to use wxGrid, or whether I'm supposed to be using it at all.
Hoping for a miracle, I went to the "wxPyGridTableBase" page, but again, nothing of use. Many words yes, but I have no idea what it says, and it doesn't tell me whether wxPyGridTableBase is what I want to use in order to add a table to my application, or how to use it.
All very sad.
You'd think these things would be documented somewhere, wouldn't you? I mean, wxWidgets and wxPython have been around for a long time, they are well established projects, they certainly have big documentation with many pages. You would think that there would be room somewhere in there to add an organized manual so that someone can come in and say "I want to add a table to my applicaton", or "I want a picture here" or whatever and they can find that in the manual.
I always wondered why wxWidgets and wxPython were not used more widely. A cross-platform toolkit, mature, native widgets, liberal license... what more could a developer want? Well, I guess I'm now getting a sense of why there aren't as many apps written in wx as in Gtk or Qt.
... Yeah, I'm in a bit of a down mood right now.