Grid problems

I am new to Python...and I am having some difficulty updating grid cells
(wx.grid.PyGridTableBase). Everything works just fine (adding
/deleting/ resizing rows, cols) except updating individual cells.

I am using the grids to display data from a database (which is working
fine), I am trying to use the SetValue (as well as[r][c] =
string and others ) method but it does not seem to work. I am at a

Here is the call to the UpdateRowData function:

self.frame.grid_4.GetTable().UpdateRowData(ndata, ndata[0][0],

frame id wxFrame
ndata is a list
ndata[0][0] is the row number to update
len(ndata[0]) is the number of columns for the table

The class is below for your review, soory if it is too long, it's my first post.

Any help would be most appreciated.


class DataTable(wx.grid.PyGridTableBase):

     def __init__(self, headers=(['h','h','h']),
         self.headers = headers = data

     def GetNumberRows(self):
         return len(

     def GetNumberCols(self):
         return len(self.headers)

     def GetColLabelValue(self, col):
         return self.headers[col]

     def GetValue(self, row, col):
         except KeyError:

     def IsEmptyCell(self, row, col):
         #print "empty Cell", row, col
             if[row][col] != "":
                 return True
                 return False
             return False

#--------- END __INIT__ Calls

     #def RemoveData(self,rowNum):
     # msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(self,
     # self.GetView().ProcessTableMessage(msg)

     def AddData(self, ndata):
         #print "Add Data"
         for i in ndata:

         msg1 = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(
self,wx.grid.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED, len(ndata) )
         msg2 = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(

         for msg in [ msg1, msg2]:

     def UpdateRowData(self, ndata, row, col):
         num = self.GetNumberRows()

         if row <= num:
             for i in range(col):
                 #print ndata[i]
                 sr = ndata[0][i]
                 print i, sr
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# It gets this far and works fine, then it fails
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                 self.SetValue(row, i, str(sr))
                 #self.SetCellValue(row, i, str(sr)) ???
             for i in ndata:

             msg1 = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(
self,wx.grid.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED, len(ndata) )

         msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(

     def SetValue(self, row, col, value):
   [row][col] = value

             msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(
         except IndexError:
             print "FAIL"
#------------------------------ End DataTable Class

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This has been resolved. In my newness I had failed to update the LIST which the Grid references...Once I figured that part out it work as excepted.


Robin Dunn wrote:


scott wrote:

I am new to Python...and I am having some difficulty updating grid cells
(wx.grid.PyGridTableBase). Everything works just fine (adding
/deleting/ resizing rows, cols) except updating individual cells.

I am using the grids to display data from a database (which is working
fine), I am trying to use the SetValue (as well as[r][c] =
string and others ) method but it does not seem to work. I am at a

How does it not work? Is there an exception? Does the data get into the table but is not displayed?

Here is the call to the UpdateRowData function:

self.frame.grid_4.GetTable().UpdateRowData(ndata, ndata[0][0],

frame id wxFrame
ndata is a list
ndata[0][0] is the row number to update
len(ndata[0]) is the number of columns for the table

The class is below for your review, soory if it is too long, it's my first post.

It's not too long, but even better would have been a small but complete app so others here can try to run it and tweak it.

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