Here I go trying to explain something… Pardon me in advance.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for this program I’ve been
working on for the past month + / -…
let’s say I have 2 instances of a button on a frame.
And those 2 buttons are bound to an event.
and I can reference the dictionary that each button resides in by a
line something like this:
button.Object = Dictionary-the-button-instance-is-in.
I have learned that this one event can distinguish which button
called it by having this line in event.
btn = event.GetEventObject()
so with that being said I can reference the dictionary full of goodies
by saying this:
print btn.Object
which would print everything in that dictionary. Or I could reference other
things in that dictionary specifically.
Ok… My woe…
Is there a way to the above with a wx.MenuItem. When I try it, it doesn’t
work. the result of GetEventObject is the wxFrame, not the actual menu item.
and the “Object” gives me an exception, saying that the wxFrame doesn’t have
an attribute called “Object”
It works with a button, but doesn’t with a menu item. But I want a menu item.
Thanks for the patience