fade-in effect of a window

Thanks a lot, that is just what I need, no GTK support is needed...



-----Original Message-----
From: Gavana, Andrea [mailto:gavana@kpo.kz]
Sent: 03 July 2006 16:25
To: wxPython-users@lists.wxwidgets.org
Subject: RE: [wxPython-users] fade-in effect of a window

Hello Andy,

The ToasterBox is \"moving\" up the screen while

Yeah, this is basically what a toaster box should do.

ToasterBox is cool, I just want to know if I can do
fade-in-fade-out with wxPython.

Well, if you work only on Windows and don't care about platform independency, you may try the solution Robin and I have posted on the Wiki to make a window "fading" by changing its transparency. This will require, however, to have either Mark Hammond's win32all extensions or ctypes installed. You may probably get the same result also on Mac with ctypes. No idea on GTK.
The Wiki page is here:




Andrea Gavana (gavana@kpo.kz)
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